Webinar on Blockchain technology for cross-border trade
A new dawn is upon the world of cross border trade digitization. A stable and reliable foundation is forming with momentum on UNCITRAL MLETR adoption, uptake in LEI utilization, an increase in digital native business and many large multilateral institutions and standard setting organizations working together to digitize trade and supply chain processes, including adoption of the Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Cross-border Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific.
Across the various regions and industries of thew world trade digitization capabilities has been matured over the last two decades of digitizing trade and supply chain processes. With limited adoption, we have come to recognize the various limitations of approaches that solves for trade digitization using centralized approaches – and – recognized the key areas industry and governments can work on to advance the adoption of trade digitization. Blockchain technology emerged as a potential enabler that can solve for the decentralized nature of trade and uniquely enable the decentralized trust requirements sought by both government and industry to digitize trade and Supply chain.
Join us for a world first webinar that will bring together ITFA DNI and IMDA TradeTrust to provide insight into how their new modern approaches leverage the unique properties of blockchain to digitize trade and supply chain content in a decentralized, interoperable, trusted manner. In addition to learning about how these new approaches can enable industry, government and fintechs we will also be joined by ENIGIO and DLT Ledgers to provide practical insights into both the usage of the frameworks – and – unique examples of how they leverage blockchain to produce value. Finally, a unique panel with all members moderated by the ICCs Digital standards initiative with Minehub, TradeWaltz and Tradelens.
To visit the webinar series on accelerating cross-border paperless trade facilitation, please CLICK.