Helping developing countries harness e-commerce and digital trade for development


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A Global Partnership

The eTrade for all initiative contributes to building a more inclusive and sustainable future for all economies, by turning digital opportunities into development gains.
This unique partnership connects the dots between:

Beneficiary Countries

Get a clearer view of the resources available on e-commerce and the digital economy.

Identify the right technical assistance program through our Development Solutions.

Connect with relevant partners able to assist them in one or more of the 7 policy areas.


Increase awareness about their available technical assistance programs through our Development Solutions.

Raise the profile of their digital agenda.

Benefit from concrete opportunities to support countries in their field of expertise through a collaborative approach.


Get a clearer picture of technical assistance programs and projects meeting their development priorities in one or more of the 7 policy areas.

Benefit from increased transparency and aid efficiency in the digital for the development area.


7 Policy Areas

E-commerce is holistic in nature.

To help countries identify opportunities and bottlenecks when engaging in e-commerce, which can be a powerful engine to spur growth and development, relevant issues have been categorized into seven key policy areas:


UN Sustainable Development Goals

We support the implementation of Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development by helping to attain relevant trade and development goals, including the SDGs on decent work and economic growth, the advancement of innovation and infrastructure, revitalizing the global partnership as well as the attainment of the goals related to gender equality, notably by furthering the empowerment of women using ICTs.

Target 8.1 : Increased eTrade for all support to developing countries, and in particular to least developed countries, to harness the benefits of e-commerce and digital economy for inclusive and sustainable development.

Target 17.9 : Enhanced international support, including North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation, through eTrade for all, for effective and targeted capacitybuilding on e-commerce and digital economy in developing countries, with a view to support inclusive economic development.