Borderless Entrepreneurship – Is That The Future?

2:00 pm
 – 3:15 pm

Entrepreneurship has increasingly been unbounded by distance, geography and time zones. Digital transformation and global connectivity have enabled entrepreneurs to be as borderless as their ideas can take them. Yet, the current pandemic has thrown to light both the pros and cons of such ecosystems. Borderless entrepreneurship – is that truly the future and way forward?

Join us as we converse with speakers from 4 countries of diverse backgrounds. Let their perspectives challenge your paradigm and status quo!

Welcome Remark:

Giulia Ajmone Marsan, Director of Strategy and Partnership, ERIA

Laurent Tam Nguyen, Co-Founder and General Manager Digital Mekong, Vietnam
Haewon Rah, Engagement Manager Techstars, Korea
Jirut Wattoom, Technology Strategy Manager, Chemicals Business, SCG Partner SPRINT Accelerator, Thailand
Wisnu Nugrahadi, CEO and Co-Founder Sampingan, Indonesia