World Intellectual Property Day 2024 is highlighting the critical importance of intellectual property (IP) in catalyzing the human innovation and creativity needed for achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Celebrated across the globe each April 26, nearly 150 events are planned in dozens of countries to mark this year’s World IP Day, which carries the theme: “IP and the SDGs: Building Our Common Future with Innovation and Creativity.”
In 2015, countries around the world committed to the 17-objective SDGs, which are a roadmap to a better future that spans the range of human activity including climate change, poverty, education and others. However, progress is faltering ahead of the 2030 deadline for reaching the SDGs, with only 15% percent of the SDGs on track.
“Throughout history, when faced with challenges, it has been human ingenuity, ideas and innovation that has allowed us to overcome and succeed. To put the SDGs back on track, we need to harness the power of intellectual property as a catalyst to unleash innovation and creativity in the service of the SDGs,” said WIPO Director General Daren Tang in a video address to mark World IP Day 2024.

Video: Message from WIPO Director General, Daren Tang.
“From electric vehicles to lifesaving drugs, clean and green tech, to AI and digital technologies – IP can be the vehicle to turn bold new ideas into real world impact. So on this World IP Day, let us come together to use the power of IP to achieve the SDGs and build a better world for all,” said Mr. Tang.
New this year:
- A new WIPO report shows that a record number of patents are supporting the UN SDGs, with patent-filing activity highest for inventions related to SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure), representing 19% of active patents.
- Filmmakers from Nigeria, Bulgaria and Brazil won the top three spots in the 2024 Youth Video Competition, with a woman from Indonesia taking the “People’s Choice Prize.”
- World Intellectual Property Day Changemakers’ Gallery features innovators, creators, entrepreneurs and IP practitioners who are using IP rights to accelerate the innovation and creativity we need to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and build our common future.
Meet the winners of the Competition
More than 18,000 people participated in the World Intellectual Property Day 2024 Youth Video Competition. Find out who the winners are!
About WIPO
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the United Nations agency that serves the world’s innovators and creators, ensuring that their ideas travel safely to the market and improve lives everywhere.
We do so by providing services that enable creators, innovators and entrepreneurs to protect and promote their intellectual property (IP) across borders and acting as a forum for addressing cutting-edge IP issues. Our IP data and information guide decisionmakers the world over. And our impact-driven projects and technical assistance ensure IP benefits everyone, everywhere.
For more information, please contact the News and Media Division at WIPO:
- Tel: (+41 22) 338 81 61 / 338 72 24