E-week 2023
The UNCTAD eWeek has become the leading forum for Ministers, senior government officials, CEOs and other business representatives, international organizations, development banks, academics and civil society to discuss the development opportunities and challenges associated with the digital economy.

The UNCTAD eWeek is organized in collaboration with eTrade for all partners. Given its specific mandate, UNCTAD is uniquely placed to address the cross-cutting development implications of e-commerce and the digital economy.

To adapt to a changing digital landscape, the eCommerce Week becomes UNCTAD eWeek as of its 2023 edition.

The Role of eTrade for all Partners

The Role of eTrade for all Partners

eTrade for all partners are instrumental in the organization of the UNCTAD eWeek: they help provide the favourable environment for increased multi-stakeholder dialogue, and with their active involvement, they ensure that the event has far-reaching implications.

Through the organization/co-organization of many thematic sessions, eTrade for all partners advocate for more sustainable digital outcomes, at all levels and through a holistic approach, to ensure that digitalization is inclusive and leaves no one behind.

UNCTAD eWeek 2023

Shaping the Future of the Digital Economy

UNCTAD eWeek 2023 was held from 4 to 8 December 2023 in Geneva, at the CICG (International Conference Center of Geneva) under the theme ‘Shaping the Future of the Digital Economy’. Putting a spotlight on widening digital divides, it offered a unique platform to ensure that the evolving digital economy becomes truly more inclusive, leaving no one behind and no one offline.

