What we do

eTrade for all connects the dots for a more inclusive digital economy.

Unlocking the full potential of digital technologies, while mitigating potential harms, calls for global cooperation across borders, sectors and stakeholders. To fully benefit from the digital transformation, we must work together to bridge the digital divides. eTrade for all advocates for effective and stronger international and multistakeholder collaboration, striving to create a more inclusive and sustainable digital future for all. By engaging stakeholders and pooling capabilities, the collaborative approach of eTrade for all strives to ensure more coherent and cost-effective actions while reducing duplication of efforts.


Information Hub


Catalyser of Partnerships

Our platform is on one-stop shop to access key information on ecommerce and the digital economy as provided by our partners. Our curated selection of relevant news, publications, events, courses and podcasts is updated on regular basis, and can be accessed through our information hub.

Our 35 partners are the backbone of the eTrade for all initiative. They are committed to maximize synergies to address the growing digital divides and to ensure that our collective efforts are geared towards a digital future that brings inclusive and sustainable development.


Partnership in Action

UN Trade & Development eWeek logo

eTrade for all partners are an integral and essential part of the UNCTAD eWeeks, which over the years have become an appreciated forum to discuss the development impact of digitalization.

The events, organized every 2 years, benefit from the leading edge research, advocacy, capacity building and networks of eTrade for all partners, all at one place. Together, we provide a favourable environment that fosters meaningful multistakeholder dialogue, in particular through the organization of key thematic sessions. Outcome reports of the eWeek feed other ongoing policy processes at the global and regional levels.

eWeek also serves as the gathering platform where all partners come together to review the progress of the eTrade for all initiative, ensuring our collective efforts continue to make a global impact.


Find more information on eTrade for all's work in the

Year in Reviews on E-Commerce and Digital Economy

from UN Trade and Development


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The eTrade for all initiative is a valuable resource for the implementation of the Global Digital Compact (GDC). 

Adopted in September 2024 by all Member States of the United Nations, the GDC is a comprehensive framework for global governance of digital technology and artificial intelligence.

Twenty years after the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), it charts a roadmap for global digital cooperation to harness the immense potential of digital technology for development. Its main objectives include promoting universal access to the internet, ensuring digital safety and security, advancing equitable and interoperable data governance, and fostering an inclusive digital economy that benefits all.


eTrade for all supports the implementation of Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development by helping to attain relevant trade and development Goals, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on decent work and economic growth, the advancement of innovation and infrastructure, revitalizing the global partnership as well as the attainment of the goals related to gender equality, notably by furthering the empowerment of women using ICTs.

Target 5.b : Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women.
Target 8.1 : Increased eTrade for all support to developing countries, and in particular to least developed countries, to harness the benefits of e-commerce and digital economy for inclusive and sustainable development.
SDG 17
Target 17.9 : Enhanced international support, including North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation, through eTrade for all, for effective and targeted capacity building on e-commerce and digital economy in developing countries, with a view to support inclusive economic development.