31 March 2021
Digital trends in Africa 2021: Information and communication technology trends and developments in the Africa region, 2017-2020
29 March 2021
WSIS Stocktaking: The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response ICT Case Repository
11 March 2021
Digital trends in Asia and the Pacific 2021
8 February 2021
The impact of policies, regulation, and institutions on ICT sector performance
4 February 2021
Digital trends in Europe 2021 ICT - trends and developments in Europe, 2017-2020
30 November 2020
Last Mile Connectivity in the Context of COVID-19
19 November 2020
How broadband, digitization and ICT regulation impact the global economy
28 October 2020
Bridging the Digital Innovation Divide: A toolkit for developing sustainable ICT-centric ecosystem projects
18 October 2020
DFS Consumer Competency Framework
13 October 2020
Digital Skills Insights 2020
6 October 2020
Economic impact of COVID-19 on digital infrastructure
23 September 2020
The State of Broadband: Tackling digital inequalities
17 September 2020
Connecting Humanity
Accelerating Digital Connectivity in the Wake of COVID-19
8 September 2020
Digital Regulation Handbook Conference edition
3 September 2020
Costing and Pricing Methodologies in the Digital Economy
6 August 2020
Women, ICT and emergency telecommunications - opportunities and constraints
30 July 2020
The Global E-waste Monitor 2020
The economic contribution of broadband, digitization and ICT regulation: Econometric modelling for the ITU Europe region
23 July 2020
Estudio de Interconectividad y Reducción de Costos de Acceso a Internet en los Países de la Comunidad Andina - Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú