29 April 2021
Digital technologies for a new future
27 April 2021
Inequality in Access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
20 April 2021
Digitization of trade logistics in landlocked countries in South America
Post Pandemic COVID-19 Recovery - Enabling Latin America and the Caribbean to better harness e-commerce and digital trade
28 February 2021
Free competition in the post-pandemic digital era: The impact on SMEs
10 February 2021
The economic autonomy of women in a sustainable recovery with equality
31 December 2020
COVID-19 and the socioeconomic crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean
2 November 2020
Building a New Future - Transformative Recovery with Equality and Sustainability
The Caribbean Outlook - Forging a people-centred approach to sustainable development post-COVID-19
12 October 2020
Economic Survey of Latin America and the Caribbean
2 October 2020
Latin American Economic Outlook 2020: Digital transformation for building back better
16 September 2020
Joint Statement on the Contribution of International Trade and Supply Chains to a Sustainable Socio-Economic Recovery in COVID-19 times
9 September 2020
15 years of the regional dialogue on digital technologies - eLAC2020
28 August 2020
Universalizing access to digital technologies to address the consequences of COVID-19
6 August 2020
The effects of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on international trade and logistics
4 August 2020
Intervenciones sociosanitarias y uso de las tecnologías de la industria 4.0 para enfrentar la enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID‐19) en América Latina y el Caribe
31 July 2020
Tracking the digital footprint in Latin America and the Caribbean: Lessons learned from using big data to assess the digital economy
2 July 2020
Sectors and businesses facing COVID-19: Emergency and reactivation
28 June 2020
Key findings of the Internet & Jurisdiction and ECLAC: Regional Status Report 2020
Panorama de las fintech: principales desafíos y oportunidades para el Uruguay