In its ongoing mission to support and enable a global air transport network that meets or surpasses the social and economic development and broader connectivity needs of global businesses and passengers, and acknowledging the clear need to anticipate and manage the projected doubling of global air transport capacity by 2030 without unnecessary adverse impacts on system safety, efficiency, convenience or environmental performance, ICAO has established five comprehensive Strategic Objectives:

  • Safety
  • Air Navigation Capacity and Efficiency
  • Security & Facilitation
  • Economic Development of Air Transport
  • Environmental Protection
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ICAO’s Exclusive Interview
August 1, 2018

Mr. Cortney Robinson Air Transport Officer, Air Cargo, ICAORead our exclusive interview “ICAO: Air Cargo services, new technologies, and e-commerce” with Mr. Cortney Robinson, Air Transport Officer, Air Cargo, The International Civil Aviation Organization In this interview, Mr. Robinson will tell us more about the growing relationship between air cargo services, new technologies and ICAO’s work in the field of digital commerce.

The second ICAO Air Cargo Development Forum will take place this coming September in China. Can you tell us more about this event and why and how it relates to e-commerce?


Please consider these statistics: the e-commerce share of scheduled international mail grew from 16% to 74% between 2010 and 2015 and is estimated to grow to 91% by 2025. Around 87% of business-to-consumer e-commerce parcels are carried by air, totaling an estimated 392 million e-commerce parcels in 2015. The e-commerce business cannot flourish without air cargo services and with emerging technologies like unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), this relationship is bound to grow closer. The Forum will focus on how international partners can develop a global regulatory framework promoting sustainable growth in air cargo capacity so it meets future demand, yet also ensure developing nations participate appreciably in that growth.

In your opinion, what are the key regulatory and operational challenges that need to be addressed to drive the growth and full liberalization of air cargo and e-commerce?


The key challenges are:

  1. Outdated market access regulations—flexibility for car cargo services, air carrier ownership and control, and competition policy—are the most significant challenges;
  2. Proliferation of discriminatory taxes on international air transport vis-à-vis other modes in some countries the revenue for aviation investments;
  3. States lacking modernized aviation infrastructure;
  4. Overall connectivity of airports, whether in terms of their direct links with local business centres and communities, or their unique role as multi-modal transport hubs;
  5. The security and also the safety of air cargo services, in addition to the supply chain.
How can this particular forum contribute to finding solutions to these challenges?


Through the Air Cargo Development Forum, ICAO will bring together speakers from nearly every continent. Moreover, these speakers represent a diversity of stakeholder perspective: regulators, financial experts, freight forwarders, airports, infrastructure providers, air carriers, manufacturers, and more. Them leading this discussion with a global audience is key to ensuring all perspectives, all ideas are considered as we take action on relevant policy issues.

Is there any other information you would like to share with the eTrade for all family?


Please join us in Zhengzhou for the Forum. Come to share the challenges to participation in e-commerce growth you have identified, so we collaborate in find a solution. Perhaps your knowledge can contribute to the solution of another’s challenge. If you are unfamiliar with air cargo and opportunities it presents for e-commerce growth, this is an excellent venue for building your knowledge. If you are already an air cargo expert, you can still freshen your perspective on emerging issues and maybe provide perspective to help others out.