The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MOTI) signed an agreement to scale up Ghana’s national initiatives on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) promotion.
Since 2012, Ghana has promoted Kaizen practices – a Japanese methodology and philosophy to sustainably and continually improve quality and productivity of businesses. Hundreds of Ghanaian enterprises have introduced and applied Kaizen practices and have suceeded in improving their quality and productivity.
To enhance the developmental impact at industry and national levels, Ghana will scale up this initiative, to further enhance the competitiveness of MSMEs in the country.
In a bid to support Ghana to achieve this goal, UNIDO launched the project “Expanding the Kaizen initiative by enhancing sustainable agribusiness”. The project will introduce the UNIDO digital dashboard system “Smart and Sustainable Agri-Business (SSAB)”, enabling Ghanaian MSMEs to visualize and hence better manage their enterprise performance through a smart and digital platform. By collecting key performance indicators from the production site, SSAB will not only address productivity issues, but will also improve resource efficiency, food safety compliance as well as performance of the MSMEs from a social perspective.
This 3-year project will be implemented by UNIDO in coordination with the Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA), with funding from the government of Japan.
The launching ceremony was hosted by the Minister of Trade and Industry Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen, and attended by the Japanese Ambassador to Ghana, Hisanobu Mochizuki, UNIDO Representative to Ghana and Liberia, Fakhruddin Azizi, CEO of GEA, Kosi Yankey-Ayeh, Directors of MoTI and GEA, and other stakeholders.