We’re live! The Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion Advocacy Hub launches today in Ethiopia
We’re live! The Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion Advocacy Hub launches today in Ethiopia

The Ethiopia Coalition launches today, June 9, 2022, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This will mark the official beginning of WDFI Advocacy Hub activities in the region. Follow along below.


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About the Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion (WDFI) Advocacy Hub

UNCDF is launching a new gender initiative in Ethiopia, with a specific focus on advancing women’s digital financial inclusion.

The Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion (WDFI) Advocacy Hub is UNCDF’s flagship gender initiative to promote WDFI policy change and support the creation of gender-inclusive digital economies through Local Coalitions. The Hub is a partnership with Women’s World Banking.

Local Coalitions enabled by the WDFI Advocacy Hub are designed to be platforms for civil society, the public sector and the private sector to discuss, strategise and collaborate for greater impact. UNCDF will support the members of the Coalition, including the first one in Ethiopia, by facilitating access to trainings and insights, and by channeling financial resources to support the implementation of innovative practical solutions. In addition, the Hub will create unified messages on the priority issues identified by the Coalition in partnership with global organizations, as well as open opportunities for country stakeholders and their work to gain visibility at global platforms, such as the Generation Equality Forum.

The setting of this Coalition in Ethiopia is designed to complement the efforts of the NBE to implement the National Financial Inclusion Strategy, the National Digital Payments Strategy and Digital Ethiopia 2025 Strategy, as these are key to building an ecosystem where all women can leverage technology to live financially secure lives.

H.E Ato Ahmed Shide, Minister of Finance and Ms Myriam Said, Digital Advisor at the Office of the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, and State Minister of Innovation and Technology will address digital and financial experts at the launch event on June 9, 2022, in Addis Ababa.

Along with high-level representatives of the National Bank of Ethiopia, Safaricom, EthSwitch, International Finance Corporation, European Investment Bank, and others, they will provide insights into the state of women's digital financial inclusion in Ethiopia and how to advance women’s economic empowerment through digital technology.

Learn more about the WDFI Advocacy Hub and the Ethiopia Coalition.