Correos Market, The market place for Spanish businesses
Correos Market, The market place for Spanish businesses

Iván Maroto, Director of the Digital Business Unit and Correos Market, Correos, Spain

Correos Market was launched in 2019 as part of Correos’ commitment to tackle the Spanish demographic challenge in rural areas – a key aspect of the company’s corporate social responsibility policy.

The project, which provides vendors and sellers with a digital marketing space and a complete logistics and fulfillment solution, leverages the role of the Post in digitalizing Spanish businesses, helping them to reach all parts of Spain and Portugal.

The idea behind the project was to enable consumers to find and buy handmade and local products as a way of embracing our culture and traditions. Products can be purchased from any of our post offices, giving local producers, manufacturers and businesses access to more than 2,300 points of sale.

The success of the project led to increased demand from vendors, with a high number of national companies expressing an interest in joining the Marketplace. So, as of this year, our marketing strategy covers not only local producers and artisans, but also Spanish businesses on the national scale.

The project also helps create a fairer digital ecosystem through a new terms-of-sale component, included in the corporate strategy for the first time this year, which abolishes sales commission for vendors. So while other marketplaces charge stifling commission rates of up to 20 per cent, Correos Market bases its business model on zero-commission sales.

Sustainability lies at the core of this repositioning – both commercially, since the sale proceeds go to companies listed in Spain; and environmentally, since local product deliveries have a smaller carbon footprint, due to the proximity between seller and customer.

To complement its web strategy, Correos Market has launched an app for mobile phone users, as one in three of which look at their handsets more than 100 times a day. This enables our customers to use 24/7 our platform, as well as to be able to contact us via a communication channel. We are at the touch of a button!

Our aim is to provide more value for our customers – value that they won’t find anywhere else. This is the key to our success: a fairer Marketplace for Spanish businesses, under fair conditions, with a focus on sustainability through a simple and intuitive platform.

Correos keeps working to continue evolving and adapting to our users, managing and exceeding their expectations, in addition to supporting Spanish businesses and offering them everything we have at our disposal to increase their online sales: a web platform, an app, the Correos Group’s logistics, storage and handling services, and returns management.