Digital Gateway to trade information in Myanmar
Digital Gateway to trade information in Myanmar

Shwe Maunge from U Kar Ka is delighted to have found a resource that helps identify opportunities for expanding the business’s international trade.

"As a tea producer and exporter from Myanmar, I find the Myanmar Quality Compass platform useful for accessing information and understanding the legal requirements for trade with various countries. It is user-friendly and I would recommend Myanmar companies to explore the platform for international business opportunities ," he says.

“It saves time. I can direct MSMEs to various resources available on the Platform that can facilitate aspiring entrepreneurs to go international with the help of credible information relevant to markets abroad ,” says business counsellor May Thet Hnin Htut.

Often, the success of small businesses is linked to easy access to credible information. This holds particularly true when targeting new international markets and meeting quality requirements and standards to cater to specific international markets.

Budding entrepreneurs often lack sufficient knowledge and skills to comply with these requirements that can vary from sector to sector and product to product.

For successful business operations, access to timely, accurate and appropriate information is now available to small businesses in Myanmar.

A digital  toolbox – the Myanmar Platform  provides market access and quality related know how to small businesses.

The portal enables Myanmar exporters to obtain increased access to market information and consequently do business in international markets. The embedded market access and market analysis tools enable them to learn more about market access conditions.

The platform serves as a one-stop-shop allowing users to discover relevant quality requirements for priority products in at least 26 targeted markets.

Connecting Entrepreneurs and experts, the Help Desk feature allows SMEs to  obtain guidance and advisory services from a network of experts available through the.

The platform informs on  product specific quality-related themes, provides practical guides and quality related technical information. Sharing best practices and creating meaningful connections is an added bonus

Myanmar SMEs may use the Quality Compass tool to learn about European Union requirements for a range of products including green and roasted coffee, avocados, tea and honey. They will not only find information on specific requirements, but also sensitization guidance on areas of food safety, plant health and product quality. Complementing this are numerous links to external resources that the SMEs may use to further enrich their knowledge base and build towards compliance.

The Quality Connect tool allows SMEs find the right individual or institution that can offer help on their quality journey, through its database of expert Trainers cum Counsellors and service providing institutions. Myanmar SMEs may also gain inspiration from stories of success on the Quality Success tool and submit their own successes for publishing consideration.

Holding the principle of sustainability at its core, the Myanmar Platform on Quality and Food Safety in the country has been developed through the ARISE Plus Myanmar Trade-Related Assistance project.

With an aim to contribute to inclusive and sustainable growth, the European Union funded project supports greater connectivity and economic integration between Myanmar and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in line with the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint 2025.

It also contributes to trade diversification and integration, regionally and internationally with a focus on market-led value chains ensuring equal opportunities to women led businesses.