UNIDO promotes global investment and technology cooperation at the 2020 World Artificial Intelligence Conference Summit Online
UNIDO promotes global investment and technology cooperation at the 2020 World Artificial Intelligence Conference Summit Online

Under the theme of "Intelligent Connectivity, Indivisible Community", the 2020 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC 2020) Summit Online has involved over 550 public sector leaders, AI experts, scientists, and industry leaders from around the world in a conversation about the technological frontiers, industry trends and breaking issues in AI. The conference explored visionary solutions to innovative AI development and applications worldwide, especially in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.


LI Yong, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), delivered video remarks at the opening ceremony in which he emphasized that in light of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), new technologies have been significantly contributing to the fight against COVID-19, and industrial AI technological solutions will become a requirement for survival in many industries. He said that as AI and other technology are adapted to support recovery, there is also a need to be conscious of the risk of widening the technological gap between developed and developing countries. Li stated that UNIDO is dedicated to assist countries in the diffusion and adaptation of new technologies related to digitalization and adoption of cyber-physical systems with the aim of facilitating a smooth transition to the 4IR.

Other senior representatives from UNIDO also participated virtually in several initiatives of the WAIC 2020 Summit Online: Bernardo Calzadila-Sarmiento, a UNIDO Managing Director, delivered opening remarks at the Global Industrial Intelligence Summit, “Innovation, Integration and Foundation - Opening up the Future of Intelligence Industry”; Cecilia Ugaz Estrada, Chief Advisor in the Office of the Managing Director, sent ac ongratulatory video message to the AI Women Elite Forum - “Her Intelligence - AI power”; GONG Weixi, Investment and Technology Promotion Network Secretariat Coordinator and Chief of the Investment and Technology Promotion Division, delivered keynote speech at the International Smart City Summit - “Smart City, Share Future”. Confronting challenges of digitalization, addressing gender inequalities in industry, smart cities and new infrastructure development were among the topics discussed.

WAIC 2020 Global Day built an interactive platform for AI innovation projects and talent exchange. On the Global Day, UNIDO ITPO Shanghai held a "Inclusive and Sustainable Development (ISID) Technology Global Roadshow" featuring over 20 outstanding AI projects in the area of cloud computing, intelligent driving, 3D organ printing, intelligent waste management, financial management, and data security.

Moreover, the World Industrial & Innovative Technology Cooperations (WiiTs) – an initiative of ITPO Shanghai - were announced, aiming to create a global industrial cooperation ecosystem to promote technological innovation, and inclusive and sustainable industrial development. This initiative has been supported by many of ITPO Shanghai’s partners, including the Swedish Environmental Research Institute and Scientific, Shanghai Jiaotong University, the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology and IDEO.

All WAIC 2020 Summit Online recordings can be found here.

Original Source : UNIDO News