In response to the exceptional circumstances that the world and Latin America and the Caribbean are experiencing, the 2020 Call for Proposals under the Regional Public Goods Initiative:
- Will prioritize the resources available to finance proposals related to the coordination of policies and solutions at the regional level to tend to, prevent and deal with future consequences of COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean, in line with the Inter-American Development Bank’s (IDB) initiatives underway to meet these needs in the social, fiscal, infrastructure, environmental, and trade fields, among others. Notwithstanding, the Initiative will continue accepting proposals in other priority areas aligned with the IDB's sectoral goals, objectives, and priorities on a subsidiary basis.
- Will accept official emails (PDF format) from the highest level of the governmental agency responsible for public policy affected by the proposal, in lieu of the letter of commitment generally required for proposal eligibility. These emails must indicate the intent of the relevant authority to participate and support the project in question, in the same tenor as the model letter of commitment available at www.iadb.org/rpg. In the case of proposals from the private non-profit sector, the no-objection of the official IDB link will also be accepted via email (PDF).
New closing date of the 2020 Call for Proposals: May 15, 2020 at 05:00 p.m. (US Eastern Standard Time)
The Regional Public Goods (RPG) Initiative of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is based on the premise that the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) share numerous development challenges and opportunities that can be addressed more effectively and efficiently through regional collective action and cooperation.
The Initiative defines regional public goods (RPGs) as goods, services or resources that are produced and consumed collectively by the public sector and, if appropriate, the private, non-profit sector in a minimum of three borrowing member countries of the IDB. The Initiative focuses on RPGs that have the potential to generate significant shared benefits and positive spillover effects. Spillover effects can be expressed in terms of scope (benefits extend beyond the originally targeted sector in each country) and/or scale (benefits extend beyond the original group of countries).
Each year, the IDB solicits proposals from the region to finance projects that promote RPGs by means of collective action.
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