Automation, digital platforms and other innovations are changing the basic nature of the world economy and bringing about a tectonic shift in the upcoming career options. The world of work is in a state of flux and this can be a reason for anxiety. Also, there is a growing polarisation of labour-market opportunities between high and low-skilled jobs.A paradigm shiftThe development of automation, enabled by technologies including robotics and artificial intelligence, deliver the promise of higher productivity (and economic growth as well), increased efficiency, and safety and convenience. However, these technologies also raise difficult questions about the broader impact of automation in jobs, skills, wages, and the nature of work itself. Many activities that workers carry out today can be automated. At the same time, job-matching sites such as LinkedIn and Monster are changing the way individuals look for work and how companies identify and recruit talent. Independent workers are increasingly choosing to offer their services on digital platforms like Upwork, Uber, and Etsy and, in the process, challenging conventional ideas about how and where work is undertaken.According to a report by World Economic Forum, digitisation could create up to six million jobs worldwide between 2016 and 2025 in the logistics and electricity industries. Elsewhere, automation will displace many human beings. With both winners and losers resulting from digital transformation, a huge premium rests on the near-term ability of businesses to upskill employees and shape the next generation of talent for the machine age. Big and small companies are both investing heavily in digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence, user interface, robotics, etc. And it is not just the IT sector, but also BFSI, manufacturing, telecommunications, media, fintech, and start-ups are venturing into automation, artificial intelligence and analytics to reduce costs and amplify productivity and efficiency. Here is taking a look at the jobs that are being created and upskilled. There are a few job roles that didn't even exist five years ago. Data scientist: Data scientists help companies interpret and manage data and solve complex problems using expertise in a variety of data niches. They generally have a foundation in computer science, modeling, statistics, analytics, and math, coupled with a strong business sense. It’s this merging of esoteric intelligence and practical knowledge that make the data scientist so valuable to a company. Start-ups are producing so much data that hiring has increased dramatically for data scientists. Salaries are on the rise for those who are able to work closely with developers to provide value to end users.Robotic process automation analyst: Robotics process automation (RPA) allows organisations to automate tasks just like a human being was carrying them out across application and systems. The main goal of RPA is to replace repetitive and boring clerical tasks performed by humans with a virtual workforce. RPA is an emerging form of business process automation technology based on the notion of software robots or artificial intelligence (AI) workers. Virtual reality architect: A virtual reality architect must have advanced technical knowledge of programming, image management, 3D and the software needed for developing virtual reality. His goal should be to create virtual realities that are so advanced that users forget that they are not in the real world.
Hone your skillsExperts regard the new productivity platform of digital economy as the third industrial revolution. Digital revolution, also known as ‘The Internet Economy’ or Internet of Thing, is expected to generate new market growth opportunities. It will become the biggest business opportunity of mankind in the next 30 to 40 years. If you are scripting your career in this revolution, make the best out of it by carving a new career or upskilling your current one.Web AnalystCompanies are using web analysis and measurement tools to be able to respond to their customers’ needs and offer them a service that is best adapted to their requirements. For this, they need web analysts. Web analysts usually are armed with analytical capacity. They are results-oriented and with a statistical profile. They also need digital and marketing knowledge, apart from the skills of an analyst. The profiles with knowledge of big data enjoy high demand in the market.Business analystTraditionally, business analysts are responsible for gathering information, finding solution and writing requirements. They are skilled communicators with a keen ability to dig into the details, understand complicated systems and ensure that the needs of the business are communicated to those developing a given product, system or process. Today, the same role demands an upskill. They must be ‘solution specialists,’ who can analyse complicated systems and solve complex problems. Understanding the needs for mobile, social media, accessibility... have forced the BA to master an understanding of technology, marketing, human resources, usability and brand.Database as a service analystThis role is an upskilled version of database administrator who maintains a successful database environment by directing or performing all-related activities to keep the data secure. Database as a service (DBaaS) is a cloud-computing model that provides users with access to a database without the need for setting up physical hardware, installing software or configuring for performance. All of the administrative tasks and maintenance are taken care of by the service provider. A database as a service analyst analyses and studies the database needs of an organisation and suggests the most optimum service.Read the original article here