Day 2 of the UNCTAD eCommerce week
This week the Geneva Internet Platform is reporting from digital policy sessions held at the UNCTAD E-commerce Week in Geneva. Catch up with the discussions, by reading its reports from Day 2 sessions:
- Bringing the Voice of Consumers to the Negotiation Table
- E-Residency: Democratizing Access to the EU Business and Financial Environment
- Korea’s New e-Government in Today’s Digital Economy
- Ministerial Roundtable: Digital Impacts on Sustainable Development
- Towards an ASEAN E-Commerce Agreement
- Expanding E-commerce Capacity for a Sustainable 2030
- Going Global: Consumer Trust in Cross-border E-commerce
- High Level Dialogue: Development Dimensions of Digital Platforms
More reports will be available throughout the week. You can find them on this dedicated space: dig.watch/unctad2018.