Canada and ITU champion young women in tech

The Government of Canada will bring young women from developing countries, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island development states, as well as young indigenous women and young women with disabilities, to key upcoming global technology conferences and activities organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

Nine young women between 18 and 25 years old, who are working to promote sustainable digital development and transformation, will receive support to travel to Geneva, Switzerland, to attend key ITU events between 7 and 11 July.

  • The WSIS+20 High-Level Event will consider the way forward for global digital cooperation two decades after the historic 2003 and 2005 World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).
  • The AI for Good Global Summit will highlight how artificial intelligence (AI) solutions to accelerate sustainable development.
  • ITU160 Anniversary activities.

ITU, founded in 1865 for telegraph coordination, continues facilitating global communications with ever-evolving technologies.

ITU160 Gender Champions

Canada, in partnership with ITU, is providing this opportunity through the “ITU160 Gender Champions” initiative, highlighting challenges and opportunities for women and girls in tech as part of ITU’s 160th anniversary.

The nine selected ITU160 Gender Champions are invited to engage in Geneva with tech leaders and experts, to amplify their own digital development work, and to co-design and facilitate a workshop on gender equality in digital transformation.

Despite gradual progress, the tech industry remains male dominated all over the world, with women remaining underrepresented even in relatively new fields like AI.

ITU – in its modern form as a United Nations specialized agency – has adopted gender equality and mainstreaming resolutions in all sectors of its work, advocating to close the gender digital divide.

This year’s ITU commemorations coincide with the 30th anniversary of the1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the groundbreaking agreement outlining principles to ensure equality for men and women and to close gender divides.

Who’s eligible?

Are you a young woman (age 18-25) doing impactful work related to digital transformation and development?

Apply now to become an ITU160 Gender Champion and be part of a global movement for gender equality in digital transformation!

Click here to apply before 6 April

As an ITU 160 Gender Champion, you will:

  • Engage with key stakeholders in the digital and tech sectors.
  • Amplify your work in digital development and digital transformation, by actively participating in a variety of sessions and activities.
  • Co-design & facilitate a workshop on promoting gender equality in digital transformation.