Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in the Digital Economy Realm

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in the Digital Economy Realm
12 March 2025
04:00 PM - 05:45 PM
Jakarta time, UTC+7

Entrepreneurs are the driving force behind economic growth. Bridging the gap between male and female entrepreneurs has the potential to drive innovation, create jobs, enhance productivity, boost competitiveness, and increase wealth.

Over the past few decades, there has been a 79% increase in the perception of business opportunities among women globally. However, only 6.2% of women worldwide own an established business, compared to 9.5% of men. While global perceptions have shown positive progress, the challenges of creating an inclusive digital economy and addressing the digital gender divide persist, particularly as economic activities and social interactions increasingly shift online. To foster womens entrepreneurship, it is essential to expand the number of established women-led enterprises.

In Indonesia, rapid economic growth in recent years has significantly improved socio-economic conditions. However, gender disparities remain evident across various sectors, including entrepreneurship, as reflected in metrics such as self-employment and business creation rates. A survey on the impact of COVID-19 on businesses revealed that women-owned enterprises are more likely to leverage the internet for selling products, with an estimated 54% of women-owned MSMEs now utilising online platforms. This trend underscores the importance of technology adoption and digitalisation in creating an enabling environment for women-led MSMEs and enterprises to thrive. Additionally, digital tools offer greater flexibility for women, who often shoulder a disproportionate share of domestic responsibilities.

To enhance womens participation in the digital economy, it is crucial to establish a safe and empowering environment for women and girls, including women-led entrepreneurs. Access to connectivity is widely recognised as a key enabler of economic activity across various sectors. However, significant challenges remain in fully integrating women into the digital economy. These challenges include limited access to digital skills, fewer entrepreneurial opportunities, restricted access to finance, and the persistent issue of gender-based violence (GBV) in the digital realm.

Targeted policies, funding, mentorship, and access to supportive networks for women entrepreneurs can help bridge the gender gap in business ownership and leadership, while fostering job creation and economic growth, especially in communities with limited female workforce participation.

The European Parliament in ASEAN (EPinASEAN) and ERIA are collaborating to organise a session titled Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in the Digital Economy. This policy dialogue aims to discuss the role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in empowering women entrepreneurs, with a particular focus on Indonesia. The session will explore opportunities and trends to leverage womens participation in the digital economy, bridge the gender gap in entrepreneurship, and foster a more inclusive digital economy.

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4:00 PM – 4:30 PM: Registration

4:30 PM - 4:40 PM: Welcoming Remark

  • Ripoll Antoine, Counsellor, European Parliament in ASEAN

 4:40 PM - 5:45 PM: Panel Discussion


  • Arlin Chondro, founder of Peek.me, Former eTrade for Women Community Leader by UNCTAD
  • Lishia Erza, Chair of SME Entrepreneurship Capacity Building & Inclusive Economy Indonesia Employers Association (APINDO), CEO of Candra Naya Lestari 
  • Angeline Callista, Co-Founder of Sirsak, Indonesia 

Moderator: Lina Maulidina Sabrina, Senior Program Officer, ERIA

Regions: South-East Asia
Countries: Indonesia