APCICT Virtual Academy releases new online course on “Open Data Policy Framework and Cases in the Digital Economy” 16 May 2024
APCICT Virtual Academy releases new online course on “Open Data Policy Framework and Cases in the Digital Economy” 16 May 2024

The Asian and Pacific Training Centre for ICT for Development (APCICT) has launched the online course for "Open Data Policy Framework" on the APCICT Virtual Academy. The Adacemy module presents a comprehensive overview of Open Government Data (OGD) Policy and Trends, delving into the dynamic landscape of OGD policy and legal frameworks. It emphasizes the importance of an effective governance structure that aligns with OGD policy for successful implementation. By aligning OGD policies with local priorities and needs, governments foster an inclusive data-driven environment, promoting innovation, empowering citizens, and enhancing overall governance effectiveness.

The course is now available at https://bit.ly/3wNCgse