Every four years Consumers International’s Global Congress brings together the consumer movement and leading cross-sector influencers to tackle pressing issues impacting consumers worldwide. We are delighted to announce our 2023 Global Congress will be held in Nairobi, Kenya from 06 – 08 December.
We will build on our previous events and our leading role in creating a powerful coalition across government, international agencies, business and civil society. Together for change, the Congress will be impact-oriented, focussed on developing practical solutions among marketplace actors and ensuring that consumers are brought into action and dialogue.
Building a resilient future for consumers
As we battle rising prices across energy, food and finance, advance climate goals and safeguard the most vulnerable consumers amidst rapid digitisation, our agenda will ask crucial questions of decision-makers and further collaboration across those instrumental to marketplace change.
How can we make sustainable lifestyles the norm? How do we build a digital future consumers can trust? How do we strengthen consumer protection between and across borders? Through calls to action, the release of latest insights and best practice case studies we will address these questions.
“The Global Congress 2023 takes place at a critical period as we emerge from the Covid 19 pandemic and see the effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and climate change. Policy makers, business leaders and civil society advocates will dive into issues that are of most concern to consumers to empower them towards a just future and sustainable lifestyle. Working together in unity, will result in strength, teamwork and collaboration to safeguard consumers and nurture our world.” Marimuthu Nadason, President of Consumers International and the Federation of Malaysian Consumer Association.
Click for more from our Council and others.
Congress in Africa
We are proud to hold the Congress in the African continent and to work with supporting partners, including the Government of Kenya, through the Competition Authority of Kenya (CAK), and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Competition Commission.
Both organisations play a leading role in enhancing consumer welfare, competition and sustainable growth in Kenya and regionally. In the last five years, their combined experience has seen them hold strategic convenings covering pertinent topics – effective enactment of consumer rights, collaboration in times of crisis and cross-border enforcement.
“The Competition Authority of Kenya is proud to support the Global Congress, bringing delegates together from around the world to discuss pressing issues affecting consumer welfare. We look forward to sharing our experience in promoting consumer welfare both nationally and regionally as we work towards common solutions with leaders in attendance.” Adano Roba, Acting Director-General, Competition Authority Kenya.
“The hosting of the Congress in Africa demonstrates the commitment both COMESA and increasingly the continent attaches to matters of consumer protection and welfare. The Congress will allow us to enhance cooperation and coordination among diverse stakeholders, addressing cross cutting consumer matters to protect consumers globally.” Willard Mwemba, Director and Chief Executive Officer, COMESA Competition Commission.
Click for more from other senior leaders.
Congress relevant to our times
In the past decade, our events have included the G20 Consumer Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina (2018), the first ever Consumer Trade Dialogue held at the World Trade Organization (2019), our online Fair Digital Finance Forum (2022) as well as our recent call this World Consumer Rights Day 2023 to empower consumers through clean energy transitions.
These influential convenings have seen heads of agencies and key departments from across UNCTAD, ISO and WHO alongside leading ministers and business address key issues and work with attendees. The Global Congress 2023 will build on the success of these events with leaders meeting in person and a selection able to join online.
Join Us
If you are a senior leader from government, business, civil society, academia, consumer advocacy or another sector please email [email protected] for more information.
Stay tuned on social media across Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook as we release updates.
Read more about the work of the Competition Authority Kenya and COMESA.

13 January 2025
3 ways to make digital finance more inclusive for all consumers