E-week 2022 background
E-week 2022

Organized by UNCTAD in cooperation with eTrade for all partners under the theme 'Data and Digitalization for Development', the 2022 edition of the eCommerce Week put a special emphasis on data and cross-border data flows and the crucial role they play in economic and social development, and on the growing data divide, which reflects the wide differences that exist between and within countries to harness data. The event also shone a light on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted digital transformations globally.


2022 Outcome Report

With 100+ sessions followed by 2600+ participants from 139 countries, the eCommerce Week looked in depth at key digital issues as they related to the overarching theme of this edition. Emphasis was put on finding concrete and actionable solutions. Overall, there was a strong consensus that data governance has become key in ensuring that digitalization is inclusive.

The Geneva Vision on the Future of the Digital Economy
eTrade for all Leadership Dialogue

eTrade for all Leadership Dialogue

During this edition of UNCTAD eCommerce Week, the eTrade for all partners met up for a Leadership Dialogue on Connecting the dots for more inclusive development. This forum provided a unique space for eTrade for all leaders to reflect upon lessons learned during the first 5 years of the initiative in view of recent trends and developments.


High-Level Sessions

A number of High-Level Sessions took place throughout the week. Ministers, CEOs, heads of UN agencies and renown thought-leaders debated the Data and Digitalization for Development theme from various angles. Did you miss them or want to watch them again? Check out the recordings below!


In a Nutshell