Linkages 2.0: How VSLA Digitalization is Opening New Pathways for Financing.

Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) have long been recognized as a powerful grassroots mechanism for advancing financial inclusion and bolstering community resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa. This webinar will explore how digitalization is transforming these groups, addressing challenges, and creating new opportunities for financing. Participants will discuss lessons and insights from the various VSLA linkage models implemented so far across the region (Linkages 1.0) – and their implications moving forward; sustainable value propositions building on VSLA digitalization; and the newer, digitally enabled linkage models for innovative financing for VSLAs such as the fintech led models highlighted above - and how they can be scaled (Linkages 2.0).
Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) have long been recognized as a powerful grassroots mechanism for advancing financial inclusion and bolstering community resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa. This webinar will explore how digitalization is transforming these groups, addressing challenges, and creating new opportunities for financing. Participants will discuss lessons and insights from the various VSLA linkage models implemented so far across the region (Linkages 1.0) – and their implications moving forward; sustainable value propositions building on VSLA digitalization; and the newer, digitally enabled linkage models for innovative financing for VSLAs such as the fintech led models highlighted above - and how they can be scaled (Linkages 2.0).