Tech attache briefing: Global Digital Compact and UN Cybercrime Convention

After a short break, we are glad to resume our digital governance briefings for Geneva diplomats. Our upcoming briefing is taking place on 4 September 2024.
We will focus on two issues:
The Global Digital Compact (GDC) and the upcoming Summit of the Future. In our previous meeting, we discussed rev.2 of the GDC; there’s now a rev.4 – maybe the last? We’ll look at some of the changes brought in the new draft(s) and try to anticipate what happens next.
The UN Cybercrime Convention. In August, what many thought to be impossible happened: After three years of negotiations, the Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime adopted the draft of a UN convention against cybercrime. The draft will be presented to the UN General Assembly for adoption this autumn. We’ll give a brief overview of what happened during the last round of negotiations and explore some of the provisions of this (draft) convention. We will wrap up the meeting with a mapping of events and activities to keep an eye on this autumn.
The event is part of a series of regular briefings the GIP is delivering for diplomats at permanent missions in Geneva following digital policy issues. It is an invitation-only event.
For inquiries, please contact [email protected].
After a short break, we are glad to resume our digital governance briefings for Geneva diplomats. Our upcoming briefing is taking place on 4 September 2024.
We will focus on two issues:
The Global Digital Compact (GDC) and the upcoming Summit of the Future. In our previous meeting, we discussed rev.2 of the GDC; there’s now a rev.4 – maybe the last? We’ll look at some of the changes brought in the new draft(s) and try to anticipate what happens next.
The UN Cybercrime Convention. In August, what many thought to be impossible happened: After three years of negotiations, the Ad Hoc Committee on Cybercrime adopted the draft of a UN convention against cybercrime. The draft will be presented to the UN General Assembly for adoption this autumn. We’ll give a brief overview of what happened during the last round of negotiations and explore some of the provisions of this (draft) convention. We will wrap up the meeting with a mapping of events and activities to keep an eye on this autumn.
The event is part of a series of regular briefings the GIP is delivering for diplomats at permanent missions in Geneva following digital policy issues. It is an invitation-only event.
For inquiries, please contact [email protected].