At Davos UNECE highlights relevance of its normative tools and partnerships to overcome global challenges in trade, energy and climate
At Davos UNECE highlights relevance of its normative tools and partnerships to overcome global challenges in trade, energy and climate


At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, UNECE Executive Secretary Tatiana Molcean highlighted the role of UNECE’s legal instruments, standards and tools in dealing with the most pressing global challenges, namely climate change, digital and green transformations, low-carbon energy transition, and disruptions of international trade caused by the ongoing geopolitical tensions.



Taking part in discussions hosted by The Economist, Purpose Driven Innovation and Schmidt Futures, University of Geneva, as well as Deutsche Bundesbank and KfW, Ms. Molcean stressed that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will only be accomplished if all stakeholders work together, especially with the upcoming United Nations’ Summit of the Future geared to reaffirm global commitments to achieve a sustainable future for all.



While at Davos, Ms. Molcean held a meeting with Deputy Ministers of Economy of Ukraine, Taras Kachka and Oleksii Sobolev, to affirm UNECE’s continued support for Ukraine’s recovery aligned with the SDGs.



In her other meetings Ms. Molcean discussed the transition to circular economy and opportunities in SDG implementation through expanded partnerships. UNECE’s entire normative work is geared to support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by scaling up the circular economy and trade facilitation, driving innovation, fostering decarbonization and improving resource efficiency. To leverage innovative funding models, champion circular practices, and foster environmentally responsible use of natural resources, UNECE relies on many long-standing and effective partnerships with the private sector and the scientific community.



Thanks to such partnerships, UNECE has developed 950 standards and almost 50 recommendations through its subsidiary intergovernmental body – the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) – to help reduce the time and costs for cross-border transactions and enhance efficiency of supply chains through streamlined customs procedures and digital solutions.



Other notable examples of UNECE’s effective cross-sector partnerships include The Sustainability Pledge, which offers a tangible toolkit to foster sustainability in the garment and footwear sector. Yet another example is the work with regulators, miners, and circular economy stakeholders to create a transparent framework for sustainable management of natural resources, especially critical raw materials, which are fundamental for clean energy, mobility transitions, and digital transformation.



Finally, scientific experts actively participate in all UNECE working groups and task forces under the five environmental conventions that UNECE hosts and that address key issues, such as air pollution, industrial accidents, and sustainable management of transboundary water resources.



Such regular participation of diverse stakeholders in UNECE’s intergovernmental meetings helps ensure that state of the art expertise and the latest scientific insights are incorporated into the discussions shaping future activities, including policy-oriented research publications.