Code of Conduct: Online submissions
Code of Conduct: Online submissions

The United Nations is developing a Code of Conduct for information integrity on digital platforms. It seeks to provide a concerted global response to information threats that is firmly rooted in human rights, including the rights to freedom of expression and opinion and access to information.

The voluntary Code will help guide Member States, digital platforms and other groups in their efforts to make the digital space more inclusive and safer for all.


Online submissions


As part of the UN's consultation process on the Code of Conduct, individuals, groups, and organizations are encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions through an online submission form on the proposed content of these principles and recommendations, as well as to make suggestions on methodologies for operationalizing the principles. Submitted inputs may also raise new principles and/or recommendations.

Online submissions that adhere to the scope of the requested input may be made public.

How to provide a submission online:


  1. Review Policy Brief 8: Information Integrity on Digital Platforms as background material for your feedback. The proposed principles and accompanying recommendations are included in the section entitled "Towards a United Nations Code of Conduct." Please note that recommendations reference specific groups.
  2. Inputs on behalf of yourself or your entity/organization can be submitted through this online form. Prepare your inputs before using the online submission form. Please note that all online submissions to the consultation process will be considered public and sharable. We apologize that at this time, due to resource and time limitations, the online submission form is in English.


    Note: The UN's global network of Information Centres will also provide consultation opportunities. Please visit the UNIC Directory for contact information.



What to expect — form details:


In the form, you will be asked to provide basic information about yourself and/or your organization/entity (e.g. geographic scope of your activity and contact information).

The form will then ask for the following:


  • Select the principle(s) that you will be providing feedback on.
  • Provide input for these selected principles and recommendations. You will have an opportunity to suggest additional principles and/or recommendations that have not already been addressed.
  • Provide any additional suggestions for methodologies of implementation.


Input for each principle/ suggestions for implementation will be limited to 200 words. Please be succinct and concrete in your inputs to maximize the consideration of all submissions.

The deadline for the online submission process will be 1 December 2023. Following your submission, the UN Department of Global Communications may follow up with respondents on further information. Your inputs, as well as other consultations and research conducted by the United Nations, will be considered in the development of a UN Code of Conduct.

For any questions or technical issues on the form, please contact [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you!