High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence: Public Call for Nominations
High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence: Public Call for Nominations

The multi-stakeholder Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence, initially proposed in 2020 as part of the Secretary-General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation (A/74/821), is being formed to undertake analysis and advance recommendations for the international governance of artificial intelligence (AI).

To draw on the world’s foremost expertise, and to ensure the Body’s geographically representative, gender-balanced, age-balanced and interdisciplinary composition, the UN Secretariat is hereby publishing a public call for nomination of experts to serve as members of the Body in their personal capacity, including self-nomination.

Nominated experts should have leading, relevant expertise among the broad range of fields relevant to the governance of AI or domains of AI application, and may include present and former government experts, as well as experts from industry, civil society, and academia.

The window for nomination will close at 11:59pm EST on 31 August 2023.

Evaluation of nominees will be conducted on the basis of the nominee's suitability, capacity and willingness to contribute to the Advisory Body's overall objectives. Those nominees under consideration will be contacted directly.