30 March 2021
Women and digitisation in the pandemic
Global Trade and Blockchain Forum 2021
Blockchain forum looks at how to accelerate digitalization to facilitate trade
16 March 2021
Co-convenors of e-commerce negotiations: We are heartened by progress made so far
11 March 2021
Members discuss TRIPS waiver, LDC transition period and green tech role for small business
5 February 2021
E-commerce negotiations: Members finalise “clean text” on unsolicited commercial messages
2 December 2020
Aid for Trade stocktaking event to examine impact of COVID-19 on developing countries
26 November 2020
Goods Barometer signals trade resilience amid ongoing COVID concerns
23 September 2020
New WTO working group established to deepen trade and gender discussions
13 August 2020
WTO issues new report on how COVID-19 crisis may push up trade costs
30 July 2020
Women and Trade: The Role of Trade in Promoting Women’s Equality
WTO members stress role of IP system in fighting COVID-19
1 July 2020
Members discuss challenges and opportunities of online services trade amid COVID-19 crisis
26 June 2020
WTO, UNCTAD, ITC chiefs announce rollout of revamped trade data tool for small businesses
26 May 2020
Members discuss impact of COVID-19 on developing economies’ participation in world trade