19 April 2023
Commonwealth joins forces with global tech organisations to empower Commonwealth citizens in AI
17 April 2023
Mobile phones, digital training and financial education to address child labour in rural West Africa
ILO equips women-led micro and small businesses with digital skills with Microsoft's support
Visa, ITC partner to sharpen financial capacities of youth-led and e-commerce companies in Africa
14 April 2023
Global Congress 2023 to unite leaders in Kenya and build a resilient future for consumers
Alibaba and ITC partner for e-commerce in small businesses
10 April 2023
Mind the gap: enabling data-smart agriculture for all
6 April 2023
Going digital to accelerate the Circular Economy
World Health Day: Here’s how AI and digital health are shaping the future of healthcare
WSIS Forum 2023 selected sessions
International Women’s Day 2023: “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”
5 April 2023
Benin triples number of companies opened by youth in 2022
Blog: How can data build global food security?
Kenya and the World Bank Group Provide a $390 Million Boost the Digital Economy
Hear from women smallholder farmers about how digital microinsurance, together with digital agronomy tips can help them mitigate against climatic and other risks to their crops