14 March 2020
World Consumer Rights Day 2020
27 February 2020
Côte d’Ivoire seeks to expand e-commerce
15 October 2019
World Standards Day 2019: Laying the foundations for a better world
13 September 2019
The top five insights discussed at the G20
2 May 2019
The trust opportunity: Exploring Consumers’ Attitudes to the Internet of Things
25 February 2019
Consumers International launches Trust by Design Guidelines for consumer IoT
12 February 2019
Helena Leurent will be the new Director General of Consumers International
19 November 2018
Consumers International, the Internet Society and the Mozilla Foundation launch privacy and security guidelines for Consumer IoT products
13 November 2018
Consumers International announces the theme for World Consumer Rights Day 2019
5 October 2018
New Consumer Checklist aims to put consumer interests at the heart of e-commerce trade deals
8 June 2018
Consumers International launches the Digital Index
23 April 2018
Making the case for consumer confidence in e-commerce at UNCTAD E-commerce week
12 January 2018
End of a free and open internet? The global implications of repealing US net neutrality