20 April 2020
ITU-WHO Joint Statement
9 April 2020
Working from home: Cybersecurity in the time of COVID-19
6 April 2020
COVID-19: How mobile phone contact tracing can save lives – and preserve privacy
3 April 2020
Special emergency session of the Broadband Commission pushes for action to extend internet access and boost capacity to fight COVID-19
6 March 2020
Digital Technologies are the Path to ‘Generation Equality’
WSIS+15 Forum 2020 New Dates
27 February 2020
Champion Projects, WSIS Prizes 2020
31 January 2020
Kazakhstan to lead global school connectivity initiative in Central Asia
22 January 2020
At Davos, UN Broadband Commission advocates for financing inclusive meaningful connectivity for sustainable impact
6 November 2019
New ITU data reveal growing Internet uptake but a widening digital gender divide
5 October 2019
Samoa Pathway Mid-Term Review: How tech is helping small island countries
2 October 2019
ITU issues guidance on the adoption of blockchain
24 September 2019
New study shows economic impact of broadband on least-developed, landlocked and small island nations
23 September 2019
How we can turn digital technology innovation into climate action
Global internet growth stalls and focus shifts to ‘meaningful universal connectivity’ to drive global development