14 January 2021
COVID-19 Unearths Ingenuity and Innovation from Ugandan Startups – Highlights From Kampala Innovation Week 2020
22 December 2020
How a pandemic-induced boom in e-commerce can reshape financial services
21 December 2020
UNCDF-OECD Report Focuses on the Potential of Blended Finance for LDCs’ Response to COVID-19
15 December 2020
How broadband and digitization impact the global economy
14 December 2020
2020 Year in Review: The impact of COVID-19 in 12 charts
8 December 2020
Thought Leadership and Fresh Insight from the World Bank’s Digital Development Practice
2 December 2020
Aid for Trade stocktaking event to examine impact of COVID-19 on developing countries
26 November 2020
Put small-scale traders at the heart of efforts to accelerate trade and investment in Africa post COVID-19
Goods Barometer signals trade resilience amid ongoing COVID concerns
23 November 2020
New survey shows COVID-19’s impact on e-commerce in poorer nations
20 November 2020
E-Government Ministerial meeting will support economic and social recovery post COVID-19
19 November 2020
Announcing over $1 million in grant awards for digital skills development in Bangladesh, Colombia and Senegal
Joint Statement on Data Protection and Privacy in the COVID-19 Response
How COVID-19 is changing the economy – and what we can do about it, according to Christine Lagarde
6 November 2020
Services sector vital to COVID-19 economic recovery