The World Intellectual Property Organization’s Arbitration and Mediation Center (WIPO Center), in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea (MCST), is conducting a Survey on the Use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mechanisms for Business to Business (B2B) Digital Copyright- and Content-related Disputes. The Survey was developed with the support of the Deep Tech Dispute Resolution Lab of the University of Oxford.
Together, we would greatly appreciate your participation in the Survey.
The objective of the Survey is to help develop a fact-based understanding of B2B digital copyright- and content-related disputes across industries and to assess the current use of ADR mechanisms (e.g., mediation, arbitration) as compared to court litigation to resolve such disputes. The Survey should also help inform the potential development of appropriate dispute resolution mechanisms for these types of disputes.
The Survey addresses copyright- and content-intensive companies, online intermediaries and platforms, in-house and external counsel, creators, entrepreneurs, collective management organizations, mediators, arbitrators, industry associations, government bodies, and any other entities that may be involved in B2B digital copyright- and content-related disputes.
The Survey should take no more than 20 minutes to complete.
Please feel free also to share the Survey with relevant contacts.
Confidentiality and privacy
Participation in the Survey is confidential. Unless you indicate otherwise, any information which you have provided will only be used to identify aggregate trends or, in appropriate cases, to quote generic comments anonymously. The WIPO Center processing of Survey responses is subject to WIPO’s personal data and privacy policy.
Survey report
In due course, the WIPO Center expects to publish the Survey results and inform all participants.
For more information and to see the original post, visit : https://www.wipo.int/amc/en/center/copyright/copyright_survey.html