What are diplomatic competencies for the AI era?
What are diplomatic competencies for the AI era?


In my previous blog post, Why AI Will Make Diplomacy More Important, I argued that AI will enhance the relevance of diplomacy. Now, let’s consider the competencies diplomats will need to succeed in an AI-driven world: What talents, knowledge, and skills are essential for negotiation, representation, and effective participation in international relations in the coming years?


AI will reshape the diplomatic profession by handling much of the repetitive paperwork, freeing diplomats to focus on the core aspects of their role: engaging with people, listening, and solving problems. To prepare for this shift, diplomatic training should focus on three sets of competencies: talents, knowledge, and skills.


This text is part of a triptych of blog posts:



This triptych is triggered by Diplo’s experience on AI pedagogy and discussions on diplomacy in the AI era during the 50th meeting of the International Forum on Diplomatic Training (IFDT), an annual gathering of directors of diplomatic academies held last week (8-11 November) in Budva, Montenegro. Diplo’s team hosted a session with four round tables as illustrated bellows.