How to follow Davos 2018
How to follow Davos 2018

The 48th World Economic Forum Annual Meeting aims to rededicate leaders from all walks of life to developing a shared narrative to improve the state of the world. The programme, initiatives and projects of the meeting are focused on the theme Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World.

Here is our guide to how to follow #wef18 on our digital channels, so that you can join the conversation from anywhere in the world.

Join the conversation


The official meeting hashtag is #wef18. Follow tweets on this hashtag to keep up with everything going on in the meeting.

The World Economic Forum's official Twitter account @wef has over 3 million followers.

You can also follow our communities: Global ShapersTechnology PioneersSchwab Foundation and Young Global Leaders.


Join our 4.8 million followers on where we will post highlights from the meeting and stream selected sessions live. Follow our dedicated topic specific Facebook channels: main Facebook page I Video I Fourth Industrial Revolution I Gender I Inclusive Growth I Diversity I Africa I Middle East and North Africa I Asia I India I Environment I Foro Económico Mundial I Forum Économique Mondial I Geostrategy I Internet for All I Science and Technology I Arts and Culture

Instagram: and

You can also see highlights on LinkedInGoogle+ and YouTube

Read and share our content

Our Impact

For almost 50 years, the Forum has been the catalyst for global initiatives, historic shifts, industry breakthroughs, economic ideas, and tens of thousands of projects and collaborations. Find out about our impact here:

Forum Agenda

During the Annual Meeting 2018, we will be publishing articles by more than 100 participants, from CEOs and industry leaders to members of our communities - Young Global LeadersSocial Entrepreneurs and Global Shapers - on our content platform Agenda.

You are welcome to republish content on this feed: under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 Unported License (“CCPL”). You can view a copy of this licence at

All rights are reserved with respect to other articles published on the website, which are protected by copyright. Our full Privacy and Terms of Use can be found here.

You can also read expert insight and commentary in ChineseSpanish and French.

Live blog

Follow our live blog of key sessions that will keep you up-to-date on all the key developments of the Annual Meeting 2018 at

Liveblog in Spanish:

Chinese social media

Read our Chinese Agenda blog, and get updates on Weibo. Selected live streamed session videos will be available on the video platform Youku after the event. We also have a Chinese podcast on Ximalaya and highlights will be available on iQIYI. Follow our WeChat account by searching davos_wef, or scan this QR code:



A selection of the best pictures taken at the Annual Meeting 2018 will be made available free of charge under the creative commons licence on Flickr at

The complete set of photos from the Annual Meeting 2018 will also be available at

Reports and other publications

We will be publishing reports on the broad range of global, regional and industry issues that we’re seeking to address, which you can find, read and download at