Unlocking Opportunities for Women Entrepreneurs in the Digital Economy: Key Takeaways from the World Women’s Forum 2024
Unlocking Opportunities for Women Entrepreneurs in the Digital Economy: Key Takeaways from the World Women’s Forum 2024


Ulaanbaatar, 23 August 2024 – As the world navigates a rapidly transforming digital landscape, the need for inclusive and sustainable industrial development has never been more pressing. This critical theme was the focus of a recent panel discussion on “Women Entrepreneurs in the Digital Economy,” held during the World Women’s Forum 2024 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The forum, hosted by the Government of Mongolia, served as a platform for dialogue on women’s empowerment, gender equality, climate change, and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).



Aurelia Calabro, Director of the UNIDO Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Division, opened the session 3 on “Women Entrepreneurs in the Digital Economy” by emphasizing UNIDO’s commitment to ensuring that women and men equally lead, participate in, and benefit from industrial development and digitalization. She highlighted the specific challenges women entrepreneurs face, especially in rural areas, from limited access to resources and infrastructure to gaps in digital literacy, technical skills, and market knowledge—barriers that can hinder their local success and entry into global markets.



Zolzaya Jargalsaikhan, Director of IT Park in Mongolia, introduced the topic with AI presentation, setting the stage for a dynamic exchange of ideas. The panel explored critical issues such as the need for systematic support for women in technology, the role of networks and peer support, and the importance of engaging girls in AI and technology from an early age.



The panel brought together a diverse group of speakers, including representatives from the private sector, chambers of commerce, international organizations, and women’s networks. The distinguished panelists, including Khulan Dashdavaa (Chairwoman, Tavanbogd Group, Mongolia), Sergelen (Deputy CEO, Trade and Development Bank, Mongolia), Marjana Majeric (Director, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Slovenia), Lykuong Eng (Chair of ASEAN Women Entrepreneurs Network, Cambodia), Enkhsaikhan Nyamsuren (Director, Women in Tech), Lkhagvasuren Ochir (Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Mongolia), and Khulan Odgerel (Director, DHL Global Forwarding Mongolia), highlighted the transformative role of AI and digital technology. They advocated for women to become not just users but developers of these technologies, positioning them at the forefront of the digital revolution.



The discussion centered on how digital tools, access to finance, strategic partnerships, policies and innovative approaches can empower women entrepreneurs to break through the barriers and succeed both locally and globally. A major emphasis was placed on enhancing digital skills and technical competencies from early age, enabling women and girls not only to participate in the digital economy but also to shape it as leaders and innovators.



The discussion also underscored the need for gender-disaggregated data to better understand and address the unique challenges faced by women. Additionally, the potential for clustering micro and small businesses led by women was highlighted as a strategy to enhance market access, foster collaboration, and build resilience. Such clusters can leverage collective resources and knowledge, creating stronger value chains that improve competitiveness in both regional and global markets.



The panel reaffirmed that gender equality and women’s empowerment are not only central to achieving inclusive and sustainable industrial development but are also crucial for unlocking the full potential of the digital economy. The panelists emphasized that follow-up actions should be pursued not only on a global scale but also at regional and local levels. This multi-tiered approach is essential for tailoring strategies to the specific needs of women entrepreneurs in different contexts, ensuring meaningful and sustainable progress.






For more information, please contact:



Aurelia Calabro,






Division of Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women


