Toward a Digital Future: Insights from the 2024 Joint ATA/Istanbul Committee Meeting
Toward a Digital Future: Insights from the 2024 Joint ATA/Istanbul Committee Meeting


The 23rd Meeting of the Administrative Committee for the Convention on Temporary Admission (Istanbul Convention) and the 20th Meeting of Contracting Parties to the Customs Convention on the ATA Carnet for the Temporary Admission of Goods (ATA Convention) were held jointly on 9 December 2024 virtually, attended by approximately 200 delegates representing more than 70 Contracting Parties and observers.



In his opening remarks, Brendan C. O’Hearn, Deputy Director in charge of the WCO Procedures and Facilitation Sub-Directorate, welcomed Contracting Parties and observers, and expressed gratitude for the progress made in advancing the digitalization of carnets used for temporary admission. The Deputy Director pointed out the increase in cross-border trade and emerging technologies as an opportunity for Contacting Parties to fully embrace the on-going carnet digitalization process. It was highlighted that as the ATA Carnet community continued to grow through accessions, it is vital for Contracting Parties to uphold the principles of the ATA/Istanbul Conventions.



The Committee elected Chen Jianping (China) as Chairperson of the Meeting and Gabrielle Tramby (Australia) as the Vice Chairperson.



The meeting noted the accession of Seychelles and Kosovo to the Convention on Temporary Admission (the Istanbul Convention) and received an update from the International Chamber of Commerce World Chamber Federation on the e-ATA Pilot Project which highlighted additional system features such as transit monitoring; on-going and new initiatives geared towards boasting Customs readiness for carnet digitalization and updated timelines within which the first group of Contracting Parties should notify both their provisional and confirmed dates to shift to digital procedures while maintaining the overall goal to go fully digital by 2027.



Regarding digitalization of the Carnets de Passage en Douane (CPD), the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) reported a 12% increase in users of the CPD system in 2024 compared to 2023, in addition to the development of an application that made it possible to submit, receive and extend validity periods of CPD carnets electronically with the use of a smartphone.



Finally, the Committee discussed and adopted the updated Joint ATA/Istanbul Administrative Committee Work Programme for 2022-2025.



The next Joint ATA/Istanbul Administrative Committee meeting will take place in the Fall of 2025.



For more information, please contact us on [email protected].