This Online repository provides access to written contributions submitted by participants to the Policy Hackathon on Model Provisions for Trade in Times of Crisis and Pandemic in Regional and Other Trade Agreements. The contributions featured in this Online repository have been made available as received and are under the sole responsibility of their author(s). Upon submission, participants have declared that their contribution is their own autonomous work, that all the sources have been correctly cited and listed as references and that any eventual errors or inaccuracies are the fault of the authors. The contributions do not represent the views of the United Nations or that of any other Policy Hackathon organizing and participating institutions. The inclusion of the contributions in the online repository does not constitute an endorsement of the contents by the United Nations and Policy Hackathon organizers. The contributions are unedited work in progress willingly contributed by their authors during the Policy Hackathon and are publicly accessible for all to use at their own risk with reference to the author(s). It is hoped that this emerging body of knowledge will provide a useful basis and inspiration for trade policymakers and negotiators to develop regional and other trade agreements that can increase trade resilience in times of crisis and pandemic and support recovery and building back better. To make it easier to browse through, the contributions have been grouped according to different topics/categories. Contributions that have been identified by the Expert Group as standing out in terms of quality, relevance, comprehensiveness and/or originality are identified with a “ ”. A brief overview of contributions is also available here.
Essential goods/Import-Export restrictions
LDCs, Developing countries/Specific regional focus
Subsidies and Competition policies
Exemptions and Emergency clauses
Essential goods/Import-Export restrictions
- Crisis Resistance Provisions and Initiatives – Making Access to Essential Items a Priority and Ensuring Better Economic Resilience: The COVID-19 Pandemic Case (Shaun Adam) [C1]
- Provisions for trade of fish and fish products in trade agreements in times of crisis and pandemic: recommendations for negotiation and capacity building (Tang Yi et al.) [C20]
- Import Restrictions: the Roadblock to Sufficient Essential Medical Supplies (Xiaowen Tan and Lei Zhang) [C27]
- Improving Africa’s crisis and pandemic responses through provisions in regional trade agreements – does a “crisis/pandemic lens” matter for trade in food? (LC Muchopa) [C30]
- More Restriction or Facilitation on PPE amid COVID-19: Limitations and Options of International Trade Law (Jiangyuan Fu et al.) [C46]
- Restrictions to Trade in Goods and Services during Times of Crisis and Pandemic (Pablo Strada et al.) [C53]
- Trade Regulations for Export Restrictions on Medical Supplies During the Pandemic: Shortcomings and Suggestions (Xiuyan Fei and Jingdong Liu) [C80]
- Model Policy Paper on Trade facilitation for Trade in Critical Medical Supplies During Covid- 19 Crisis and Cross-Border Paperless Facilitation by Identifying Unilateral/ Bilateral Best Practices (Punyashlok Dash and Stambamkadi Rohith Sai) [C114]
- Strengthening International Regulatory Cooperation for Medical Supplies in Times of Medical Emergencies (Divya Prabhakar et al.) [C142]
- The COVID-19 Pandemic and Food Supply Chains: an Analysis of Selected Policies to Minimize the Impacts of Present and Future Crises on Populations and Markets in the MERCOSUR Context (Umberto Celli et al.) [C148]
- Proposing a Model Clause for Global Public Health Emergencies – Trade-Related Measures (James Gathii et al.) [C163]
- COVID-19 & the Little Red Dot – Important Lessons for Trade in Times of Global Pandemics based on Singapore’s Experience (Henry Gao et al.) [C175]
- Practical Responses to Pandemics: Evidence and recommendations from case studies of agri-food trade in the EU, Asia-Pacific and American regions during Covid-19 (Steven Clarke et al.) [C108]
- Strengthening the adaptability and resilience of the global food system to maintain food security in times of crisis and support economic recovery in the context of the COVID19 Pandemic (Sarah Paterson) [C105]
- COVID-19 and its Impact on the Implementation of the ECOWAS Protocols (Movement of Goods and Persons) and AfCFTA: Possible Amendments to the ECOWAS and AfCFTA Trade Agreements – A Customs Perspective (David Anikoh et al.) [C119]
- Impact of COVID-19 on International Trade: Lessons for African LDCs (Prachi Agarwal and Mulenga Chonzi Mulenga) [C129]
- Trade Facilitation of Essential Goods and Services in Times of Crises/Pandemic in the East African Community (Bitange Ndemo et al.) [C132]
- An Analysis of South Asian Trade Measures during Covid-19 Pandemic: Preparedness, Protectionism and Prevention (Prerana Manral) [C143]
- Designing Effective and Flexible RTAs to Address Pandemic Crises: Analysis from MERCOSUR´s GMC Resolution 49/2019 (Alice Silva et al.) [C159]
- Resilience, projection and innovation: lessons learned from Regional trade agreements to boost the economic reactivation (Sebastian Galindo Cantor) [C160]
Trade facilitation
- Trade Facilitation and Sustainability in the ECOWAS Region in Crisis Time (Sand Mba Kalu et al.) [C26]
- Trade Facilitation of Essential Goods and Services in Times of Crises/Pandemic in the East African Community (Bitange Ndemo et al.) [C132]
- Trade Facilitation in Times of Extreme Events and Beyond (Olivia Hjertén Knutson and Yannis Theile) [C138]
- Re-conceptualizing Free Trade Agreements Through a Sustainable Development Lens (Katrin Kuhlmann et al.) [C145]
- Lessons learned from Covid-19 Stress test: Filling the Gaps in Rules of Origin Provisions (Sara Ashour) [C49]
- Restrictions to Trade in Goods and Services during Times of Crisis and Pandemic (Pablo Strada et al.) [C53]
- Strengthening the adaptability and resilience of the global food system to maintain food security in times of crisis and support economic recovery in the context of the COVID19 Pandemic (Sarah Paterson) [C105]
- Provisions for trade of fish and fish products in trade agreements in times of crisis and pandemic: recommendations for negotiation and capacity building (Tang Yi et al.) [C20]
- A Gender Lens on the COVID-19 Impacts on Textiles Exports in Turkey (Noreen Cesareo et al.) [C82]
- The WTO Government Procurement Agreement (Plurilateral Agreement) a corridor for Trade and procurement liberalization during a crisis period (Mokom Marcel) [C89]
- ‘Treatment’ of Subsidies in Times of Crisis: Reviving the Economy through Trade Agreements (Sparsha Janardhan) [C110]
- Sustainable post-COVID-19 supply chain recovery through global data standards (Patrik Jonasson et al.) [C113]
- Model Policy Paper on Trade facilitation for Trade in Critical Medical Supplies During Covid- 19 Crisis and Cross-Border Paperless Facilitation by Identifying Unilateral/ Bilateral Best Practices (Punyashlok Dash and Stambamkadi Rohith Sai) [C114]
- COVID-19 and its Impact on the Implementation of the ECOWAS Protocols (Movement of Goods and Persons) and AfCFTA: Possible Amendments to the ECOWAS and AfCFTA Trade Agreements – A Customs Perspective (David Anikoh et al.) [C119]
- Guidelines on Remote Hearing for Dispute Settlement for Trade Agreements in Times of Crises (Martins Paparinskis et al.) [C141]
- An Analysis of South Asian Trade Measures during Covid-19 Pandemic: Preparedness, Protectionism and Prevention (Prerana Manral) [C143]
- From Covid-19 Pandemic to A Global Platform Relies on Blockchain to Manage International Trade, Why Not? (Hala Nasr and Heba Nasr) [C176]
- Alleviating Hidden Technical Barriers to Trade during the Crisis Period (Taeri Lee) [C44]
Agriculture and foodstuff
- Practical Responses to Pandemics: Evidence and recommendations from case studies of agri-food trade in the EU, Asia-Pacific and American regions during Covid-19 (Steven Clarke et al.) [C108]
- Strengthening the adaptability and resilience of the global food system to maintain food security in times of crisis and support economic recovery in the context of the COVID19 Pandemic (Sarah Paterson) [C105]
- Provisions for trade of fish and fish products in trade agreements in times of crisis and pandemic: recommendations for negotiation and capacity building (Tang Yi et al.) [C20]
- The COVID-19 Pandemic and Food Supply Chains: an Analysis of Selected Policies to Minimize the Impacts of Present and Future Crises on Populations and Markets in the MERCOSUR Context (Umberto Celli et al.) [C148]
- Improving Africa’s crisis and pandemic responses through provisions in regional trade agreements – does a “crisis/pandemic lens” matter for trade in food? (LC Muchopa) [C30]
- ‘Treatment’ of Subsidies in Times of Crisis: Reviving the Economy through Trade Agreements (Sparsha Janardhan) [C110]
- Unpacking the Possible Elements of a Future Digital Trade Agreement on Digitalization and Economic Growth: Insights from Panel Data Analysis (Radika Kumar et al.) [C4]
- E-Trade Age and Supply Chain Resiliency (Estefania Aguilar) [C40]
- Super Charging Trade With A Trusted Global Digital Identity System (Hanna Norberg et al.) [C86]
- Guidelines on Remote Hearing for Dispute Settlement for Trade Agreements in Times of Crises (Martins Paparinskis et al.) [C141]
- Leveraging ICT-enabled services for Trade in Times of Pandemic: the case of AI-enabled health services (Marta Soprana) [C144]
- E-Commerce a Trade Opportunity for Recovery in Times of Global Crisis: A Case Study of the European Union - MERCOSUR Free Trade Agreement and its Considerations of E-Commerce (Valeria Castillo and Medina Jose Angel) [C161]
- From Covid-19 Pandemic to A Global Platform Relies on Blockchain to Manage International Trade, Why Not? (Hala Nasr and Heba Nasr) [C176]
- Resilience under Crisis: Proposals and Considerations for Regional and Other Trade Agreements (David Wynne et al.) [C42]
- Trade x Technology: The Fulcrum of the New Normal (Pallavi Bajaj) [C62]
- How the East Africa Community can support Women in Business through digitization of their businesses to facilitate more Cross border trade (Caroline Gathii and Anne Gaitha) [C98]
- Strengthening the adaptability and resilience of the global food system to maintain food security in times of crisis and support economic recovery in the context of the COVID19 Pandemic (Sarah Paterson) [C105]
- Provisions for trade of fish and fish products in trade agreements in times of crisis and pandemic: recommendations for negotiation and capacity building (Tang Yi et al.) [C20]
- Measures to Improve Transparency and Cooperation in Government Procurement & Trade in Times of Crisis (Anja Blaj et al.) [C100]
- Towards Crisis-Sensitive Trade Provisions: An Analysis of the Pacific Alliance (Felipe Muñoz et al.) [C134]
Gender and RTAs
- A Gender Lens on the COVID-19 Impacts on Textiles Exports in Turkey (Noreen Cesareo et al.) [C82]
- Mainstreaming Gender Considerations in Free Trade Agreements: “Building Back Better” in Post-COVID-19 World (Amrita Bahri) [C92]
- How the East Africa Community can support Women in Business through digitization of their businesses to facilitate more Cross border trade (Caroline Gathii and Anne Gaitha) [C98]
- Re-conceptualizing Free Trade Agreements Through a Sustainable Development Lens (Katrin Kuhlmann et al.) [C145]
- Towards Crisis-Sensitive Trade Provisions: An Analysis of the Pacific Alliance (Felipe Muñoz et al.) [C134]
LDCs, Developing countries/Specific regional focus
- Review of SADC & COMESA Provisions for Trade in Times of Crisis and Pandemic (Aaron Banda) [C85]
- Enhancing Trade in Developing Countries to Promote Fast and Efficient Recovery from COVID-19: A Case of the East African Region (Beryl Njeri Olubandwa) [C96]
- COVID-19 and its Impact on the Implementation of the ECOWAS Protocols (Movement of Goods and Persons) and AfCFTA: Possible Amendments to the ECOWAS and AfCFTA Trade Agreements – A Customs Perspective (David Anikoh et al.) [C119]
- Impact of COVID-19 on International Trade: Lessons for African LDCs (Prachi Agarwal and Mulenga Chonzi Mulenga) [C129]
- Reviving and sustaining tourism during and after COVID 19 in the Mekong-Ganga Sub-Region (Sukalpa Chakrabarti and Shubham Sunil Bhagat) [C130]
- An Analysis of South Asian Trade Measures during Covid-19 Pandemic: Preparedness, Protectionism and Prevention (Prerana Manral) [C143]
- Designing Effective and Flexible RTAs to Address Pandemic Crises: Analysis from MERCOSUR´s GMC Resolution 49/2019 (Alice Silva et al.) [C159]
- How new generation of trade agreements may help Vietnam in attracting more international investment and trade, and recovering faster after COVID-19 (Phuong Tong Thi Minh) [C77]
- How the East Africa Community can support Women in Business through digitization of their businesses to facilitate more Cross border trade (Caroline Gathii and Anne Gaitha) [C98]
- A Gender Lens on the COVID-19 Impacts on Textiles Exports in Turkey (Noreen Cesareo et al.) [C82]
- Practical Responses to Pandemics: Evidence and recommendations from case studies of agri-food trade in the EU, Asia-Pacific and American regions during Covid-19 (Steven Clarke et al.) [C108]
- Towards Crisis-Sensitive Trade Provisions: An Analysis of the Pacific Alliance (Felipe Muñoz et al.) [C134]
- Improving Africa’s crisis and pandemic responses through provisions in regional trade agreements – does a “crisis/pandemic lens” matter for trade in food? (LC Muchopa) [C30]
- Improve Credit Ratings Reliability to Ease Access to Trade-led Investment & to Consolidate Crisis Readiness in Africa (Aminata Loum) [C84]
- Legality of China’s Export Rebate of Animal Products & Policy Implications for RTAs during COVID-19 (Lingli Zheng et al.) [C123]
- The COVID-19 Pandemic and Food Supply Chains: an Analysis of Selected Policies to Minimize the Impacts of Present and Future Crises on Populations and Markets in the MERCOSUR Context (Umberto Celli et al.) [C148]
Subsidies and Competition policies
- ‘Treatment’ of Subsidies in Times of Crisis: Reviving the Economy through Trade Agreements (Sparsha Janardhan) [C110]
- Legality of China’s Export Rebate of Animal Products & Policy Implications for RTAs during COVID-19 (Lingli Zheng et al.) [C123]
- The WTO fisheries subsidies disciplines: a search for a new balance between economic, environmental and social concerns during and in the aftermath of public health emergencies (Leonila Guglya) [C151]
- Competition law and regional trade agreements: EU emergency state aid policies as a model for future provisions in RTAs (Danijel Bajt) [C178]
- Resilience under Crisis: Proposals and Considerations for Regional and Other Trade Agreements (David Wynne et al.) [C42]
- Import policy involving Trade Remedies in Regional Trade Agreements During Times of Crisis (Ardita Cokaj) [C111]
- The COVID-19 Pandemic and Food Supply Chains: an Analysis of Selected Policies to Minimize the Impacts of Present and Future Crises on Populations and Markets in the MERCOSUR Context (Umberto Celli et al.) [C148]
- COVID-19 & the Little Red Dot – Important Lessons for Trade in Times of Global Pandemics based on Singapore’s Experience (Henry Gao et al.) [C175]
- Re-conceptualizing Free Trade Agreements Through a Sustainable Development Lens (Katrin Kuhlmann et al.) [C145]
Government procurement
- Measures to Improve Transparency and Cooperation in Government Procurement & Trade in Times of Crisis (Anja Blaj et al.) [C100]
- The WTO Government Procurement Agreement (Plurilateral Agreement) a corridor for Trade and procurement liberalization during a crisis period (Mokom Marcel) [C89]
Exemptions and Emergency clauses