Nominations are now open!
If you know someone who has played an outstanding role in building and growing the Internet, we want to hear from you! Award nominations for 2023 are open from 16 January to 24 March. Inductees will be announced and honored at a ceremony in September. For updates and information, follow us on Facebook or Twitter.
How Do I Know if Someone is Eligible
Individuals are eligible for nomination if they have significantly helped create, develop, or expand the global Internet. This includes individuals working in visible or behind-the-scenes roles.
Criteria For Evaluation
Impact on the development or growth of the Internet that is directly related to its advancement or evolution
Influence over society at large, the work of others in the field, the next generation, or another important group.
Reach related to the expansion of the Internet to bridge the digital divide and enrich people’s lives with global impact or within key audiences or specific geographies.
Innovation in creating new paradigms, eliminating obstacles, or accelerating advancements for the Internet.
Key Dates
16 January
Nominations Open
24 March
Nominations Close
Inductees Selection Process
Induction Ceremony