New tool for setting priorities for inclusive digital transformation in LDCs
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New tool for setting priorities for inclusive digital transformation in LDCs

As the pandemic underlines our vital use of technology, the UNCDF Inclusive Digital Economy Scorecard (IDES) allows decision makers to set priorities for the digital transformation of their economies. Eight countries across the world have already started using this scorecard as way to identify gaps and opportunities. These insights feed the agenda setting and reveal pathways that can lead to the enhancement of digital economies. During today’s United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) side-event at the UN General Assembly, representatives of Burkina Faso, Nepal, Solomon Islands and Uganda explain how the scorecard helps in recognizing national priorities to ensure an inclusive digital transformation.

Data collected on how countries score on the building blocks of a digital economy are now made available through an interactive map. This map, that showcases the digital inclusiveness scores of 25 countries, allows users to deep-dive into country specific data and explore results on policy and regulations already in place, the status of mobile and digital payment infrastructure, the development of the innovation ecosystem and the participation of the public and private sector in digital and financial skills development.

IDES as a tool to safeguard narrowing digital divide

As the pandemic has fundamentally reshaped the role of technology in our day to day lives, there is a growing concern that the world’s 46 least developed countries (LDCs) might be left behind. During the COVID-19 response, many LDCs were not able to pivot their economies and education systems online and marginalized populations like women, youth, migrants, people with disabilities and smallholder farmers suffered and are still suffering the most. The IDES provides policy makers with a tool ensuring this digital divide decreases.

Preeti Sinha, Executive Secretary, UNCDF, puts forward that;

“We need tools that will ensure no one is excluded from the fourth industrial revolution, in the process supporting and advancing digital economies that are truly inclusive.

The IDES is an essential tool to understand where the financing gaps might be so that governments can funnel the right financing for the digital transformation, particularly when it comes to the infrastructure and the need for innovative and inclusive solutions.

I hope you will find the IDES inspiring and helpful in developing digital economies that leave no one behind.”

Visit the interactive map at