Just-in-time reporting from the UNCTAD e-commerce week!
Just-in-time reporting from the UNCTAD e-commerce week!

Today marks the start of the UNCTAD E-Commerce Week 2018, a week-long event that brings together stakeholders to discuss development opportunities and challenges associated with the evolving digital economy. DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform will be actively engaged in the event.

Read our just-in-time reports

The GIP Digital Watch observatory is providing just-in-time reporting from most sessions at the UNCTAD E-commerce Week 2018 and from the second meeting of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on E-commerce and the Digital Economy (18–20 April), with the aim of enabling the community to keep track of discussions happening simultaneously.   Click here for reports. Session reports are available by the end of each day. Read the reports at dig.watch/unctad2018 or follow us on @genevagip for links to reports.

Participate in our sessions

On Monday, 16th April, we are hosting a session on Platform-based E-commerce: What is at Stake for MSMEs?, between 11:30 and 13:00, in room XXVII(Palais des Nations). On Wednesday, 18th April, we will be hosting a session on Introduction to the course on digital commerce and emerging technologies, between 08:30 and 10:00, Room XXV (Palais des Nations). The session is based on the curriculum of the online course on digital commerce, jointly delivered by DiploFoundation, CUTS International Geneva, the International Trade Centre (ITC), UNCTAD and the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) in 2017 and 2018. The publication ‘Digital Commerce Capacity Development: Preparing Trade Professionals for the Challenges of the Digital Economy’ will be officially launched during this session.Some digital commerce course participants shared their feedback about the capacity building experience. Watch them online.   In addition, members of our team will be speaking at other sessions throughout the week:



The GIP is an initiative supported by the Swiss authorities and operated by DiploFoundation.The IG Team