WSIS+15 Forum 2020 New Dates
WSIS+15 Forum 2020 New Dates

WSIS Forum 2020 Postpone

Considering recent developments concerning the COVID-19 virus and the need for responsible measures to be taken to prevent the virus from spreading, it has been decided to postpone the WSIS Forum 2020 to later in the year. The Forum will take place from the 31st August to 4th September 2020 and will remain in Geneva, Switzerland at ITU Headquarters.

ITU, UNESCO, UNCTAD and UNDP will continue with Forum preparations and remain fully committed to the success of the WSIS Forum 2020. We thank you for your interest in the Forum and all registrations received so far will remain valid. Registration will re-open on Monday 22nd June 2020. Furthermore, ITU will enhance remote and video conferencing technologies encouraging WSIS stakeholders who are not already in Geneva to participate remotely.

We thank you for your commitment and understanding and look forward to welcoming you to the WSIS Forum 2020.

Read the original notice at