ITC releases Spanish version of its SheTrades platform

The International Trade Centre today announced the release of the Spanish-language online platform of its SheTrades initiative. While having been active in Spanish-speaking countries for several years, the rollout of a Spanish-language platform will now enable more women entrepreneurs, buyers, and partners to participate fully in the successful initiative.

ITC SheTrades is continuing to boost its online offerings in response to the COVID-19 crisis. In parallel, it is also expanding its presence within and across Latin American countries. Now, users are able to fully navigate, the initiative’s online platform, in Spanish.

By joining the SheTrades community on, Spanish-speaking users can register to participate in numerous webinars, including many delivered in Spanish, and access past recordings at any time. For example, in a 10-webinar series entitled ‘La Ruta de la Exportación’ (2019), experts from various SheTrades partner organisations took women entrepreneurs through key aspects of becoming export-ready. This year, as the COVID-19 crisis has had a devastating impact on millions of businesses, ITC SheTrades and partners have come together to deliver an emergency webinar series on how to cope. One of these series – ‘Preparando su negocio para después de COVID-19’ – has been adapted for a Lain American audience, and the region’s ‘post-COVID-19’ situation.

The main training hub for the initiative – SheTrades Virtual Learning – is also navigable for Spanish-speaking users. This contains 25 free, high quality e-learning modules that have been designed by experts and guide women entrepreneurs through the entire export journey. This means that regardless of their stage of export-readiness, they are able to access and learn relevant knowledge and skills. In addition, all publications, success stories, news, as well as user-generated content, is automatically translated for Spanish-speaking users.

Beyond the e-learning components, is also a place where women entrepreneurs can showcase their products and services, network, meet buyers, and strike deals. Not only this, they can also discover the exciting opportunities that the initiative has to offer, like part taking in international trade fairs and in-country workshops.

For example, women entrepreneurs in Mexico have the possibility of applying to be part of the SheTrades-UPS project, which harnesses expertise from both ITC and UPS to support women exporters and their technical competitiveness. Besides UPS, SheTrades partners in Latin America include AMMJE, Global BMT Consulting, FUNDES, ASPEN, 10,000 Mujeres por Mexico, WEConnect International, AMEXME, Ulead/OWIT Mexico, ProChile, ProColombia, PROMPERÚ and PRONAFIM. Stay up to date with the offers of these partnerships on

In 2019, SheTrades produced three inspiring films to highlight the ‘Faces of SheTrades' sponsored by UPS and directed by Malcolm Green, a celebrated film director. In conjunction with the launch of in Spanish, SheTrades and UPS have released ‘The Bee Queen’, a film featuring Anselma Chaleuan, a Mexican honey producer. Producing and exporting special Melipona honey from her small village of Xcunyá in the Yucatan province, Anselma’s strongest sense of purpose lies in preserving the endangered native Melipona bee population and empowering other women in her community. Watch the film at: and become a member of SheTrades at

Watch a short video to learn about the SheTrades Initiative with Spanish subtitles at: 

Original Source : ITC News