IGF selected e-commerce and digital economy related sessions from our eTrade for all partners
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IGF selected e-commerce and digital economy related sessions from our eTrade for all partners
The 17th edition of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) took place between 28 November and 2 December in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and online, under the overarching theme 'Resilient Internet for a Shared Sustainable and Common Future.' The programme focused on five themes drawn from the UN Secretary General's Global Digital Compact:


  • Connecting all people and safeguarding human rights,
  • Avoiding internet fragmentation,
  • Governing data and protecting privacy,
  • Enabling safety, security and accountability,
  • Addressing advanced technologies, including AI.

Read the just-in-time reporting from the IGF by Diplo and the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP):

Internet Governance Forum 2022 | Digital Watch Observatory

View all Recordings :

Internet Governance Forum (IGF) You Tube channel




IGF 2022 High-Level Leaders Session I: Universal, Affordable & Meaningful Connectivity

As the Age of Digital Interdependence matures, simply providing basic connectivity is no longer sufficient. Meaningful connectivity requires multi-stakeholder partnerships to continue investing in digital infrastructures and equipping all individuals with the access and skills needed to truly take advantage of the digital revolution.

This panel discussed how a systematic and synergetic approach to establishing universal, meaningful, and affordable access can support populations and meet the targets set in Agenda 2030. Specifically, it revolved around questions on the role of different stakeholders, the digital gender divide, and digital skills, in Africa and beyond.

Read the session report from Diplo: High Level Session I: Universal, affordable & meaningful connectivity | Digital Watch Observatory




IGF 2022 High-Level Leaders Session III: Digital Trust and Security

As digitalization is a key driver of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, considering all digital challenges is necessary. UN Secretary-General António Guterres said, "Looking to the future, two seismic shifts will shape the 21st century: the climate crisis and digital transformation." Enabling that transformation includes mitigating digital risks.

This session explored gaps and barriers affecting digital trust and security in regional and global contexts, translated international normative frameworks into practical implementations and shared best practices for enhancing collaboration and coordination among stakeholders to build cyber resilience and align Digital Trust & Security principles with the 2030 Agenda.

Read the session report from Diplo: High level leaders session III | Digital Watch Observatory




IGF 2022 Main Session: Governing Data and Protecting Privacy: “Reality” versus “On-paper” - a Deep Dive into the Data Ecosystem

The main issue covered in this session was the ‘paper vs reality’ situation of data protection from a multistakeholder perspective, while taking into account the current threats of data flows.

The session explored the following policy questions:


  1. What are we aiming to protect, data or people?
  2. At what point does inclusion start? What should be protected? When should protection start? Where does protection start?
  3. How do we control what happens to data while deriving value?
  4. How are the increased laws and regulations being implemented? Are countries complying? Is data privacy being achieved in these countries?

Read the session report from Diplo: Main session: Governing data & protecting privacy | Digital Watch Observatory

To go further, read the Digital Economy Report 2021: Digital Economy Report 2021 | UNCTAD




IGF 2022 WS #401: Strengthening African voices in global digital policy

Organizer: DiploFoundation and Geneva Internet Platform

After looking at the current landscape, the discussion provided practical insights and suggestions on why and how to broaden African digital diplomacy footprint in international processes, with a focus on those dealing with access and infrastructure, cybersecurity, AI and data governance. In brief, the session outlined the picture of Africa’s involvement in international policy processes in the digital realm by identifying existing building blocks and missing pieces for African digital diplomacy. It then proposed practical steps for the development of African digital diplomacy by strengthening the voices of national and regional actors in global digital diplomacy.

Read the session report from Diplo: Strengthening African voices in global digital policy | Digital Watch Observatory




IGF 2022 Day 0 Event #95: Africa Annual WSIS Review Meeting

Organizer: ECA

This 2022 regional WSIS follow up and review session brought together key main actors in the ICT sector across the continent and the world to discuss within the post Covid-19 context how we can fully improve the digital framework. The session also looked at best practices and innovative solution on how African countries are implementing the WSIS Action Lines in the attainment of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the African Union Agenda 2063.

Read the UNECA report: Leveraging new technologies and digital transformation for inclusive growth and development in Africa: drawing lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic




IGF 2022 Open Forum #48: Internet Society Open Forum "Protecting the Internet"

Organizer: ISOC

The Internet Society Open Forum is dedicated to IGF participants and to ISOC community members that have tirelessly advocated for protecting the Internet from becoming the “splinternet”. A splinternet would set back decades worth of connectivity efforts to make sure the open, globally-connected global Internet is for everyone. This Open Forum brought an opportunity to promote an interactive and collaborative session to showcase and continue discussing how together we can protect the Internet as we know it today.






IGF 2022 Day 0 Event #93: Best practices and recommendations for digital ‎inclusion through resilient infrastructure

Organizer: ITU

Best Practices and Recommendations for Digital Inclusion through Resilient Infrastructure event featured outcomes from 15 research teams that were the winners of Connect2Recover research competition. These reports focus on digital inclusion in education, healthcare, jobs, and affecting vulnerable groups, as well as the importance of digital resiliency, building from lessons learned from COVID-19 and providing a rich diversity of research and case studies from 17 countries. The event also launched the ITU Publication “Build Back Better with Broadband: ‎Research stories from the frontline”, for which the 15 projects were submitted as Research Briefs.

Read the ITU publication: Build back better with broadband: Research stories from the front line



IGF 2022 Open Forum #57 Digital skills for protection and participation online

Organizer: ITU

One of the critical challenges to capacity-building endeavors is that there are still gaps in the way that online spaces can be accessed and by whom, such as the global gender digital divide and income inequality divide. Acknowledging and addressing areas for improvement in internet accessibility is the first step to understanding how connectivity can be improved in a meaningful and sustainable manner. The development of capacity building projects targeted at under-represented groups can help ensure that every child and every young person has the opportunity to benefit safely and fully from meaningful connectivity.




IGF 2022 Lightning Talk #90 The postal sector role in the digital economy

Organizer: UPU

With the UN Global Digital Compact initiative, the UPU has launched a consultation on its possible input, with the aim of gathering the views of the postal sector to advance an open and secure digital future for all. This session discussed the role of the postal sector in the digital economy, as a key driver of digital, financial and social inclusion.