Digital Resilience against COVID-19
Digital Resilience against COVID-19

The rapid spread of COVID-19 has been causing cascading economic and social stress across the world. The production of goods and services has decreased in some countries, while an increasing number of economies are feared to go in recession, with rising unemployment rates. More schools are closed, and hospitals overcrowded with dwindling medical supplies. In combating the adverse effects of COVID-19 and enhancing societal and economic resilience, digital technology and connectivity have emerged as an essential tool and alternative to the physical equivalent.

At the heart of the fight against the spreading virus are emerging technologies. Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to map and trace infection cases. For example, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed an infection trajectory which illustrates the real-time data and time series, informing us of their COVID-19 curves globally. 3D printing technologies have been proven effective in filling the gap in producing much needed medical equipment. Telemedicine is making a positive contribution to healthcare during the pandemic, bridging the gap between people, physicians, and health systems, enabling everyone, especially symptomatic patients, to stay at home and communicate with physicians online. Robotic devices and camera technology are being used with coronavirus patients and in broader communication during the crisis.

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