Consumers International launches the Digital Index
Consumers International
Consumers International launches the Digital Index


Consumers International is excited to announce the launch of the Digital Index, a new online resource that presents a collection of digital policies from different countries that aim to protect and empower consumers in the digital world.


About the Digital Index


The Index is a resource for policy-makers, businesses and civil society to inspire the creation of policy and practice that will ensure everyone benefits from the opportunities brought by digital innovation.



The policies are divided into ten categories, based on Consumers International’s 2017 G20 Recommendations and our work with the wider consumer movement. Each policy contains a short description, link to further information and tags that connect it to other relevant policy areas.



To help us ensure the Index continues to grow, expand and improve as a useful tool for promoting consumer protection and digital empowerment, users can also submit policies or initiatives that they think should be added to the Index.