WTO Public Forum 2024 – Re-globalization: Better Trade for a Better World
Since the WTO’s inception in 1995, global trade has rapidly expanded and become more and more interconnected. Helping to lift 1.5 billion people out of extreme poverty, the multilateral trading system has transformed countless lives and unlocked a range of opportunities. Businesses of all sizes can access new markets, powered by the latest technologies and ideas. New, high-paying jobs are being created that are energising the global workforce of tomorrow. Meanwhile, consumers have access to a vast array of products and services that bring us closer together every day.
At the same time, the gains from trade are not always being shared equally. While trade has increased in absolute terms, inequality has risen over time. Underserved communities, including women, continue to be unfairly marginalised from the global economy. For Least Developed Countries (LDCs), their share of global trade has hardly increased in the past three decades, while the digital divide is widening. There is a growing belief that something needs to change, but how?
With the global economy at an inflection point, we must seize the opportunity to re-globalize trade on more inclusive lines. With supply chains being re-organised, we have the opportunity to integrate new actors into the international trading system and build resilience. Incorporating inclusive polices into the WTO rulebook could also foster greater peace and prosperity and empower marginalised communities. Meanwhile, a progressive and responsive multilateral trading system can also promote positive environmental outcomes and ensure a just transition.
Let’s come together to debate how re-globalization can deliver Better Trade for a Better World.