Unlocking the Potential of Regional Value Chains in North Africa: Focus on the Pharmaceutical and Digital Finance Sectors (EGM)

Unlocking the Potential of Regional Value Chains in North Africa: Focus on the Pharmaceutical and Digital Finance Sectors (EGM)
24 - 25 November 2021

North Africa is characterized by weak trade between its member countries. However, this region also presents a number of characteristics pertaining to natural economic zones, and is endowed with many structuring factors that are favorable to synergies and integration in sectors such as pharmaceutical industries, digital finance, agri-food industries, fisheries, energy and chemicals industries, manufacturing industries and electrical component production.

North Africa's ability to bring into play its economic complementarities by developing value chains can play a decisive role in its ability to navigate the post COVID-19 economic environment, facilitate commercial partner diversification, and increase trade with the rest of its region.

The expert group meeting on “Unlocking the Potential of Regional Value Chains in North Africa: Focus on the Pharmaceutical and Digital Finance Sectors” will take place in a hybrid format.

This event will be an opportunity to:

  • Assess existing opportunities for the setting up of North African value chains in the pharmaceutical industry and digital finance sectors
  • Analyze their potential for development
  • Map out value chain opportunities in both sectors
  • Develop a joint action framework to facilitate their realization

This work will be consolidated with by the publication of a report for the benefit of national administrations in North African countries (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia), private sector representatives, the Arab Maghreb Union General Secretariat, the Maghreb Union of Employers as well as external partners working on the themes of regional integration and trade.

Working languages: Interpreting will be provided in French, English and Arabic.


North Africa is characterized by weak trade between its member countries. However, this region also presents a number of characteristics pertaining to natural economic zones, and is endowed with many structuring factors that are favorable to synergies and integration in sectors such as pharmaceutical industries, digital finance, agri-food industries, fisheries, energy and chemicals industries, manufacturing industries and electrical component production.



North Africa's ability to bring into play its economic complementarities by developing value chains can play a decisive role in its ability to navigate the post COVID-19 economic environment, facilitate commercial partner diversification, and increase trade with the rest of its region.



The expert group meeting on “Unlocking the Potential of Regional Value Chains in North Africa: Focus on the Pharmaceutical and Digital Finance Sectors” will take place in a hybrid format.



This event will be an opportunity to:




  • Assess existing opportunities for the setting up of North African value chains in the pharmaceutical industry and digital finance sectors
  • Analyze their potential for development
  • Map out value chain opportunities in both sectors
  • Develop a joint action framework to facilitate their realization




This work will be consolidated with by the publication of a report for the benefit of national administrations in North African countries (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia), private sector representatives, the Arab Maghreb Union General Secretariat, the Maghreb Union of Employers as well as external partners working on the themes of regional integration and trade.



Working languages: Interpreting will be provided in French, English and Arabic.