UNESCAP-IPCSA-ICC-ADB Webinar on Digital Mobile Apps facilitating cross border paperless trade

3:00 pm
 – 4:30 pm
 (UTC +7)

Mobile apps are the newest emerging tool, enabling efficiency in cross-border paperless trade, facilitating movement of people, and providing enhanced visibility and traceability of the supply chain. Mobile apps, along with advanced technologies and sometimes as their extension, play facilitating role in cross-border activities such as during the transaction of the commodities, management of logistics, services provided to travelers, economic operators, customs, and other border agencies. Their use covers almost all categories of cross-border business processes, including controls for food safety, enforcement services, health, customs e-declarations, transit procedures, automatic queuing management, etc.

The webinar aims to identify how mobile apps can be used for facilitating cross border trade and movement of goods, including practical use cases with discussion on their implementation, opportunities as well as limitations.

Join the latest ESCAP-IPCSA-ICC-ADB webinar and be part of the global discussion on cross border trade and technologies.

15:00 – 15:05

Opening remarks

  • Mr. Yann Duval, Chief, Trade Policy and Facilitation Section, Trade, Investment and Innovation Division (TIID), ESCAP
  • Mr. Hans Rook, Chairman, International Port Community Systems Association (IPCSA)
    International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
  • Mr. Ronald Antonio Q. Butiong, Chief, Regional Cooperation and Integration Thematic Group Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)

15:05 – 15:35

Panel discussions


  • Mr. Hans Rook, Chairman, International Port Community Systems Association (IPCSA)


  • Mr. Richard Morton, General Secretary, International Port Community Systems Association (IPCSA)

15:35 – 16:05

Case studies session


  • Mr. Armen Manukyan, Consultant, Project Manager, United Nations ESCAP


  • Mr. Amar More, CEO, Kale Logistics Solutions
  • Mr. Gordan Han, Project Manager, 1-Stop Connections, Sydney

16:05 – 16:20

Q&A session


16:20 – 16:30
