TradePost Forum
The UPU is organizing the first edition of the TradePost Forum on 6 December 2023 during the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) eWeek. This unique global event will highlight Posts’ vital role in trade inclusion, especially for underserved communities and disadvantaged populations.
The forum will feature relevant regional initiatives and implementation cases in each session, and it will demonstrate how the postal network, powered by digital technologies, can enhance inclusive economic growth and empower MSMEs and underrepresented segments of the population to participate in global trade.
Welcome and opening remarks
- Mr Masahiko Metoki, UPU Director General
- Ms Rebeca Grynspan, Secretary General, UNCTAD
- H.E. Mr Ibrahim Kalil Konaté, Minister of Digital Transition and Digitalization, Côte d’Ivoire (Rep.)
12:00 – 13:00
Panel 1, co-organized by the UPU and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
“The postal network as an enabler for e-commerce and trade facilitation”
The panel will examine the practical tools developed by international organizations – both governmental and private – to enhance the postal contribution to trade facilitation and e-commerce growth. These tools encompass information, systems, channels and aid, with a focus on innovative approaches to facilitating trade and e-commerce access.
Moderator: Mr Siva Somasundram, Director of Policy, Regulation and Markets, UPU
Enabling trade facilitation and e-commerce through the postal network
- Amb. José Sánchez-Fung (Dominican Republic), Chair of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Committee on Trade and Development
United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business standards on trade facilitation and digitalization in support of the postal industry
- Ms Maria Teresa Pisani, Chief of the Trade Facilitation Section, Economic Cooperation and Trade Division, UNECE
The contribution of the postal sector in trade facilitation and e-commerce
- Mr William Gain, Global Lead for Trade Facilitation, Customs Reform and Border Management, World Bank Group
UPU tools for trade facilitation and paperless trade
- Mr Paul Donohoe, Digital Policies and Trade Coordinator, UPU
15:00 – 16:00
Panel 2, co-organized by the UPU and eTrade for Women
“Enabling trade inclusion for MSMEs, women and underrepresented communities through the postal network”
The panel will focus on enabling trade inclusion for MSMEs and underrepresented communities by addressing their specific challenges and leveraging the support of governments and international organizations. The aim is to share valuable insights on effective trade facilitation practices and strategies for including MSMEs and underrepresented groups, such as women, minorities and people with disabilities.
Moderator: Mr Philippe Isler, Executive Director, Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation
WTO initiatives for the trade inclusion of MSMEs and gender equality
- Amb. Matthew Wilson (Barbados), Chair of the informal working group on MSMEs, WTO
A success story about women digital entrepreneurs
- Ms Tadhim Uwizeye, Founder and CEO of Olado
Correos Market: supporting MSMEs and women in rural areas
- Ms Elena Fernández-Rodríguez, Director of International Relations and Sustainability, Correos, Spain, Correos
Trade inclusion of women and underrepresented communities through the postal network
- Ms Susan Alexander, Sustainability Services Programme Manager, UPU
16:00 – 16:20
TradePost Awards 2023 ceremony
Announcing the winners of this year’s awards
16:20 – 16:30
Closing remarks
17:00 – 18:00
The postal sector: a key partner for sustainable and digital development
The State of the Postal Sector 2023 reveals the strong causal relationship between postal and economic development. Countries with robust postal services demonstrated greater capacity to absorb the shocks of recent disruptive events like the COVID-19 pandemic, and showed signs of quicker economic recovery. This is also why a well-functioning global postal infrastructure can be decisive to boost cross-border e-commerce exchanges and the digital economy. Relying on a unique big data platform and official UPU postal statistics, the UPU monitors the evolution of international postal exchanges and the impacts of different digital trade policies and regulations on these exchanges. Join us for a discussion on this research and its potential applications for policymaking.